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Where can I obtain historical prices for exchange rates?

Here are 4 options for obtaining historical exchange rate quotes:

  1. Retrieve using the "Yahoo (Historical)" server.  Visit Yahoo Finance to find the symbol necessary for your exchange rate.  For example: EUR=X is the symbol to use for USD to Euro.
  2. Retrieve using the "Stooq (Historical)" server.  Visit Stooq to find the symbol necessary for your exchange rate.  For example: USDEUR is the symbol to use for USD to Euro.  See the instructions for using the Stooq quote servers.
  3. Retrieve using the "Quandl (Historical)" server.  Browse the Quandl databases to find the symbol used.  For example: BOE/XUDLERD is the symbol to use for Euro to USD.  See the instructions for using the Quandl quote servers.
  4. Retrieve using the "FondsCheck (Historical)" server.  Visit to find the "secu" value used by clicking on the Devisen (Currency) tab and then looking in the URL.  For example: 124068 is the value to use for Euro to USD.  See the instructions for using the FondsCheck quote servers.

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