User-Defined Custom Report Fields


You may define your own fields to include in Custom reports.  These fields are defined by writing an equation describing how you would like to calculate this field.  An unlimited number of fields can be defined.  Equations can include numbers, built-in custom report fields, or a variety of available functions.  Each user-defined field is assigned a name, column headings, equation, number of decimal places to display, and comments.  To define fields, select the Define Fields... button in the Custom Settings dialog.  This feature is only available in the Professional and Advisor versions.


Writing Equations:

Equations can use any of the following operators:













Equations can also use parenthesis to group items, and control order of operation.  Equations can include any standard built-in custom report field.  Press the Insert Field... button to select from a list of available fields.  A variety of functions are also available by pressing Insert Function....  User-defined fields can be either a number or date type.  When creating a date type field, the equation must evaluate to a "days" value.


Sample Equations: ("Number" data type)

The following lists a variety of sample equations to give an idea of how you can write your own.

(Beg_value + End_value) / 2

This equation averages the beginning and ending values.  This equation demonstrates using 2 different fields and some simple math.


100 * Gain_btw / REPORT_PORTFOLIO(OOPbasis_btw)

This equation calculates the gain of each line item as a percentage of the total cost basis in the portfolio.  This equation demonstrates using a function REPORT_PORTFOLIO to evaluate the field OOPbasis_btw for the portfolio being reported on.


AVERAGE(DELTADAYS(ENDDAYS(), 0, 0, -7), ENDDAYS(), (End_NAV - Beg_NAV) ^ 2, 0)

This equation calculates the average of the square of daily share price change over the 7 day period ending on the ending report date.  The average does not include weekends.


EVAL(ENDDAYS() - 90, ENDDAYS() - 90, End_NAV)

This equation displays the share price 90 days back from the ending report date.

Sample Equation: ("Date" data type)

ENDDAYS() - 90

This equation displays the date 90 days back from the ending report date.

For more details on the functions used here, see the list of available functions.

See Also

Custom Report

Custom Settings Dialog

Insert Field Dialog

Insert Function Dialog


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