Quote Module Revision HistoryThis page is no longer being updated with quote module history...For details on all the currently available quote servers, please see the Retrieving Prices page. The following lists the changes made to the quote module over time. 2/11/21 version 561:Added the marketstack and marketstack (Historical) servers 1/25/21 version 560:Updated the US Treasury server 12/9/20 version 559:Removed the TMX Money server 12/5/20 version 558:Updated the Swiss Quote server 8/27/20 version 557:Updated the Swiss Quote server 8/7/20 version 556:Updated the Morningstar UK - Unit Trusts server 8/4/20 version 555:Added a new server: CoinGecko 7/17/20 version 554:Updated the Morningstar FR - Funds server 7/16/20 version 553:Updated the Thrift Savings Plan server 7/1/20 version 552:Updated the Thrift Savings Plan server 5/21/20 version 551:Updated the Yahoo (Historical) server 5/19/20 version 550:Updated the Canada Stockwatch server 3/18/20 version 549:Updated several Morningstar servers 3/17/20 version 548:Updated the Yahoo (Historical) server. Removed Coin Market Cap server. 1/21/20 version 547:Added the TMX Money server 12/31/19 version 546:Updated the Wall Street Journal servers 12/10/19 version 545:Updated Boerse Stuttgart 9/24/19 version 544:Updated Reuters 9/19/19 version 543:Updated for FM 2020 Beta release 6/16/19 version 542:Updated Yahoo (Historical) to fix split retrieval 6/12/19 version 541:Updated Fund Library (Canadian Mutuals) 6/8/19 versions 539 and 540:Updated Yahoo (Historical) and Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) 5/5/19 version 538:Updated Yahoo (Historical) and Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) 2/20/19 version 537:Updated Thrift Savings Plan 2/1/19 version 536:Updated Boerse Stuttgart 1/7/19 version 535:Updated Sharenet and removed Morningstar ZA Funds 8/27/18 version 534:Updated for Sector retrieval from Morningstar for mixed equity/fixed income funds 7/25/18 version 533:Updated "Association of Mutual Funds in India" 7/7/18 version 532:Added "Financial Times - Funds (1M Historical)" 5/11/18 version 531:Updated Yahoo (Alternate) 3/19/18 version 530:Removed all Google quote servers, as the service stopped being available 2/15/18 version 529:Updated "Reuters" 1/28/18 version 528:Updated "Association of Mutual Funds in India" 11/29/17 version 527:Updated "Sharenet" 11/28/17 version 526:Updated "Google (Real-Time)" 11/09/17 version 525:Fixed all the Yahoo quote servers to be fast again. Updated "CNN Money". 11/08/17 version 524:Fixed "CNN Money" to support retrieving ETF quotes 11/08/17 version 523:Added new "CNN Money" server, and made it the new default primary
quote server. 11/02/17 version 522:Fixed all the Yahoo quote servers due to Yahoo no longer supporting the Yahoo Finance API. Unfortunately the Yahoo quote servers are now significantly slower than before. 10/14/17 version 521:Fixed a bug that prevented quote module from working with FM 2016 10/14/17 version 520:Released with FM 2018, added "Coin Market Cap" quote server 8/16/17 version 518:Updated Yahoo (Alternate / Options / Real-Time) 5/19/17 version 517:Updated Yahoo (Historical) and Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) 5/18/17 version 516:Updated Yahoo (Historical) and Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) 5/16/17 version 515:Updated Yahoo (Historical) and Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) 5/2/17 version 514:Updated Yahoo (Options / Alternate / Real-Time). Also requires program update (2016.14.14 or later) 4/26/17 version 513:Removed "Australian Stock Exchange" server. Use "Yahoo - Australia & New Zealand" instead. Updated Boerse Stuttgart. 3/6/17 version 512:Added "Morningstar SE - Funds" 2/23/17 version 511:Updated "Yahoo (Alternate)" and "Yahoo (Options)" quote servers 1/13/17 version 510:Added "Morningstar AU - Funds" 11/30/16 version 509:Updated "Yahoo (Alternate)" 11/22/16 version 508:Updated "Yahoo (Alternate)" 9/21/16 version 506:Updated "Morningstar CA" 8/5/16 version 505:Added "Morningstar Asia - Funds" 8/3/16 version 504:Added "Wall Street Journal (Real-Time)" and updated "Morningstar - Funds" 8/2/16 version 503:Added "Wall Street Journal" and "Wall Street Journal (Historical)" quote servers 7/27/16 version 502:Added "Morningstar IT - Funds", "Morningstar TH - Funds", and "Sharenet" quote servers. Improved Google (Real-Time) to support retrieving exchange rates. 7/21/16 version 501:Added advanced option to control which data field is imported when using Quandl (more info). Added "Morningstar NL - Funds" quote server 7/20/16 version 500:Added "Morningstar ES - Funds" quote server 7/17/16 version 499:Added "Morningstar BE - Funds", "FondsCheck", and "FondsCheck (Historical)" quote servers 7/14/16 version 498:Fixed issue where quote module 497 was not backward compatible with FM 2014 or early versions of FM 2016 7/14/16 version 497:Improved Quandl so it can work when running in Portable Mode. Added the "Morningstar ZA - Funds" server. Added the "Morningstar DE - Funds" server. Added the "Morningstar FR - Funds" server. Added the "Yahoo (Alternate)" server. Updated the "Yahoo (Options)" server. Updated the "Yahoo (Real-Time)" server. Updated the Yahoo (Historical) server. To use the dividend/split retrieval feature in Yahoo (Historical) you need version 2016.14.9 or later. 7/10/16 version 496:Improved Quandl servers for better compatibility 7/9/16 version 495:Removed both Bloomberg and Bloomberg (Historical) quote servers due to their Terms Of Service (TOS) limitations. Added both Quandl and Quandl (Historical) quote servers. 4/4/16 version 494:Updated Thrift Savings Plan quote server 1/13/16 version 493:No feature changes, signed with new SHA256 code signing certificate 1/12/16 version 492:No feature changes, update related to digital signature verification 9/29/15 version 491:Added Thrift Savings Plan quote server 9/14/15 version 490:Released with Fund Manager 2016 Beta 9/2/15 version 481:Updated the Swiss Quote server 6/3/15 version 480:Updated the Bloomberg server 4/29/15 version 479:Updated all the Yahoo servers 4/20/15 version 478:Updated the Morningstar CA server 1/31/15 version 477:Updated the Reuters server 1/25/15 version 476:Updated the Boerse Stuttgart server 1/19/15 version 475:Removed MSN server 1/13/15 version 474:Updated the Canada Stockwatch (3M Historical) server 11/11/14 version 473:Updated the Bloomberg server 9/25/14 version 472:Updated the Cyprus Stock Exchange server 9/22/14 version 471:Updated the Boerse Stuttgart server 7/11/14 version 470:Updated the Boerse Stuttgart server 6/25/14 version 469:Updated the Finra - Bonds server 6/20/14 version 468:Updated the ASX server 4/26/14 version 467:Added a new quote server: Morningstar.ca 4/20/14 version 466:Released with the Fund Manager 2014.13.1 release. Improves the asset/sector retrieval to support retrieving fixed income, as well as equity, allocations. Also adds support for Morningstar.ca for retrieving asset/sector allocations. This update is not compatible with version 2014.13.0, so download 2014.13.1 or later to use this update. 4/14/14 version 465:Updated the Yahoo (Options) server to automatically remove space characters from symbols prior to requesting quotes from this server 4/14/14 version 464:Added the new server "Morningstar UK - Unit Trusts" 4/9/14 version 463:Fixed the Association of Mutual Funds in India server 4/4/14 version 460-2:Released with Fund Manager 2014 Beta. Added Morningstar - Funds/Stocks quote servers. Added Asset/Sector retrieval capabilities. Removed Yahoo Taiwan server. 3/8/14 version 457:Updated Canada Stockwatch and Canada Stockwatch (3M Historical) servers 3/3/14 version 456:Updated Canada Stockwatch server 3/2/14 version 455:Updated Canada Stockwatch server 2/17/14 version 454:Updated Yahoo (Historical) server 2/3/14 version 453:Updated Bloomberg server 1/29/14 version 452:Updated Bloomberg server 1/4/14 version 451:Updated Canada Stockwatch server 9/26/13 version 450:Added US Treasury quote server, released with version 12.6 9/17/13 version 449:Updated Finra - Bonds server 9/4/13 version 447 and 448:Removed MSN (Historical) server 8/26/13 version 446:Added NZX - Bonds server 8/23/13 version 445:Added Boerse Berlin - Bonds server 8/20/13 version 444:Added Boerse Stuttgart server 5/7/13 version 443:Added Reuters server 1/25/13 version 442:Updated Google (Real-Time) server, and added new Google (Historical Mutuals) server 11/21/12 version 441:Updated Yahoo (Historical) server 11/8/12 version 440:Released with version 12.0. Removed several quote servers no longer available. 10/8/12 version 431:Updated Bloomberg server 9/4/12 version 430:Updated Thailand Stock Exchange server due to format change 3/5/12 version 429:Updated Bloomberg server to support user specified hour offset 2/20/12 version 428:Updated Bloomberg server due to format change 2/6/12 version 427:Updated Yahoo (Options) server due to format change 2/2/12 version 426:Updated Swiss Quote server due to format change 11/12/11 version 425:Updated Swiss Quote server due to format change 7/27/11 version 424:Updated Yahoo quote server to prevent updating intermittent bogus prices from 1/1/1970 4/12/11 version 423:New release for version 11 release 3/1/11 version 422:Updated non-US Yahoo servers 1/27/11 version 421:Updated MSN and removed Johannesburg server 6/23/10 version 420:Updated Bloomberg 5/20/10 version 419:Updated Fund Library (Canadian Mutual Funds) 5/4/10 version 418:Updated Swiss Quote 5/3/10 version 417:Updated Swiss Quote 4/29/10 version 416:Updated Swiss Quote 4/19/10 version 415:Updated Yahoo (Historical) 2/8/10 version 414:Added MSN quote server 2/4/10 version 413:Updated Yahoo (Options) 1/28/10 version 412:Updated Yahoo (Options) 1/27/10 version 411:Added Yahoo (Options) quote server 12/18/09 version 410:Updated Bloomberg 10/25/09 version 409:Updated Bloomberg 10/15/09 version 408:Added Finra - Bonds quote server 10/1/09 version 407:Added Association of Mutual Funds in India 7/20/09 version 406:Updated Google (Real-Time) 3/24/09 version 405:Updated Australian Stock Exchange 2/13/09 version 404:Updated Bloomberg (Historical) to support available mutual fund quotes. Removed Swiss Quote (Mutuals) as the regular Swiss Quote server offers mutual fund quotes now. 1/6/09 version 403:Updated Yahoo servers to handle symbols containing the '&' character 9/2/08 version 402:Removed Advice for Investors, and added FundLibrary 7/31/08 version 401:Bug fix - parsing some Yahoo servers could cause program to crash 7/28/08 version 400:Released with 9.x Beta. Added new servers: Google (Realtime), Google (Historical), Bloomberg (Historical). Fixed Yahoo (Realtime). 4/25/08 version 391:Final release for the 7.x versions. Updated international Yahoo servers 1/23/08 version 390:Updated Thailand Stock Exchange 1/8/08 version 389:Updated Thailand Stock Exchange 11/13/07 version 388:Updated Canada Stockwatch (3M Historical) 10/7/07 version 387:Updated Bloomberg server 9/6/07 version 386:Updated Yahoo servers 6/9/07 version 385:Updated Yahoo historical servers 6/5/07 version 384:Updated Yahoo historical servers 6/4/07 version 383:Updated several international Yahoo servers 5/31/07 version 382:Updated Yahoo UK & Ireland. 5/30/07 version 381:Updated Yahoo (Historical). 5/25/07 version 380:Updated Yahoo servers. 5/3/07 version 378 and 379:Updated Yahoo servers. 4/30/07 version 377:Updated Bloomberg. 3/30/07 version 376:Removed PCQuote and CBS MarketWatch servers. Updated Bloomberg. 3/12/07 version 375:Removed PCQuote server. Added StockHouse.ca (Historical) server. 1/25/07 version 374:Fixed Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) 12/29/06 version 373:Fixed Arch Wireless pager service 12/13/06 version 372:Fixed Swiss quote server 10/24/06 version 371:Added new servers: Thailand Stock Exchange and Bloomberg 9/9/06 version 370:Added support for ASX warrants and updated Canada Stockwatch for updated index format 2/1/06 version 369:Fixed Yahoo (Historical) server and Swiss Quote 12/9/05 version 368:Fixed MSN (Historical) server and added new server: Swiss Quote (Mutuals) 11/4/05 version 367:Fixed Swiss Quote server. 10/11/05 version 366:Fixed Swiss Quote server. 4/4/05 version 365:Fixed PC Quote server. 4/3/05 version 364:Fixed Australian Stock Exchange server. 3/7/05 version 363:Updated ABCBourse server. 2/18/05 version 362:Updated Canada Stockwatch server. 12/21/04 version 361:Updated CNN for a format change. 10/28/04 version 360:Released with Fund Manager 7.0 (Beta).
10/22/04 version 344:Updated Canada Stockwatch server. 10/21/04 version 343:Updated Canada Stockwatch server. 10/20/04 version 342:Updated Canada Stockwatch server. 10/1/04 version 341:Updated Yahoo (Historical) to use latest server. 7/7/04 version 340:Updated CBS server to parse correctly for all exchanges. 6/29/04 version 339:Bug fix, 338 was using wrong server in some cases. 6/28/04 version 338:Removed Stock Point and BXS quote servers, they were no longer available. 6/21/04 version 337:Fixed the Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) server. 2/15/04 version 336:Fixed Australian Stock Exchange server 12/15/03 version 335:Fixed the PC Quote server (format change). 11/30/03 version 334:Fixed the Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) server. 11/3/03 version 333:Fixed Australian Stock Exchange server 10/22/03 version 332:Fixed NZSE server 10/19/03 version 331:Fixed NZSE server 8/3/03 version 330:Fixed abcbourse.com server. This version was released with Fund Manager 6.6. 6/6/03 version 329:Fixed NZSE server 5/17/03 version 328:(skipped 327, used during beta testing) Removed defunct quote servers. Added support for improved internet access in Fund Manager 6.5. 12/1/02 version 326:(skipped 325) Changed Yahoo server name. Fixed historical yahoo servers for 0 based month. 10/5/02 version 324:Fixed Quicken - Canada server.. 9/14/02 version 323:Fixed Yahoo (Historical) and Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) quote servers. 8/30/02 version 322:Fixed the Johannesburg server (format change) 8/4/02 version 321:Fixed PCQuote server 5/5/02 version 320:Fixed NZSE server 3/12/02 version 319:Fixed CBS Marktet Watch 3/2/02 version 318:Fixed Yahoo (Historical) 2/18/02 version 317:Updated for ABCBourse changes. 2/15/02 version 316:Updated Yahoo servers to retrieve high/low/volume even if open is missing. 2/7/02 version 315:Fixed Yahoo due to a format change. Yahoo ASX & NZ was also updated. 12/12/01 version 314:Fixed Quicken-CA (mutuals) server due to a server change. 11/11/01 version 313:Fixed Swiss Quote for fund support, fixed Quicken for stock support, fixed CNN and Cyprus servers.. 9/18/01 version 312:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server due to a URL change. 8/5/01 version 311:Fixed the Yahoo - Germany server and changed to newer server for Quicken-CA, offering more quotes. 6/23/01 version 310:Fixed the NZSE server due to a format change. 5/19/01 version 309:Fixed Quicken-CA. Fixed Yahoo - UK to divide the open by user preference also. Fixed the Cyprus server when using a proxy. 4/19/01 version 308:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server due to a URL change. 4/8/01 version 307:Fixed the NZSE server due to a format change. 4/3/01 version 306:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server due to a URL change. 3/18/01 version 305:Fixed the CBS and NZSE servers. Improved retrieving from PC Quote and the international Yahoo servers. 2/23/01 version 304:Fixed the Stock Point server. 1/30/01 version 303:Fixed Quicken-CA server due to format change. 1/20/01 version 302:Fixed PCQuote to work with spaces in the symbols. 1/14/01 version 301:Fixed the international Yahoo servers to retrieve mutual fund prices. 1/3/01 version 300:Released with Fund Manager 5.0 versions. Added all new 5.x servers. Added "Open" to existing servers. Changed the default date operation to always land on a weekday. 11/14/00 version 237:Fixed the Stock Point server. 10/27/00 version 236:Fixed the PC Quote server due to a format change. 10/20/00 version 235:Added an override option (force_def_date) to control the use of the default date. 10/2/00 version 234:Fixed the Yahoo - UK server due to a format change. 9/28/00 version 233:Fixed the PC Quote server due to a format change. 9/2/00 version 232:Fixed the Johannesburg server (format change). 8/17/00 version 231:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server (format change). 8/13/00 version 230:Fixed the PC Quote server due to a format change. 7/20/00 version 229:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server. Some prices weren't updating. 6/29/00 version 228:Fixed the Yahoo - Australia & New Zealand server (format change). 6/21/00 version 227:Fixed the Yahoo server (wasn't retrieving all quotes). 6/20/00 version 226:Fixed the Yahoo server (format change). 6/5/00 version 225:Fixed the Stock Point server. 6/4/00 version 224:Added the Stock Point server. Removed European Investor. 5/19/00 version 223:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server so it retrieves properly when using a proxy server. 5/16/00 version 222:Added the Yahoo - Australia & New Zealand quote server. Changed the Australian Stock Exchange server so that prices retrieved after market hours are updated for the default date. During market hours the prices are updated for the date specified by the server. 5/11/00 version 221:Fixed the Australian Stock Exchange server so it retrieves properly both during market hours, and after close. 5/10/00 version 220:Fixed the European server due to a format change. Updated the Australian Stock Exchange server so it retrieves 20 minute delayed quotes. 4/20/00 version 219:Fixed the European and Yahoo - UK servers due to URL and format changes. 2/12/00 version 218:Fixed the European server so it retrieves the volume field correctly. 2/5/00 version 217:Fixed the European and JSE quote servers for format changes. Added support for a new stock historical server, Dreyfus (Historical). 1/23/00 version 216:Fixed the Yahoo quote server so it can update investments with parenthesis in their name 1/6/00 version 215:Fixed the European Investor quote server format change. 1/5/00 version 214:Fixed both historical Yahoo servers to retrieve prices past 1/1/00. 12/29/99 version 213:Improved the Canada Stockwatch server parsing, to allow the use of symbols with the exchange prefix, such as Z:IBM. 12/26/99 version 212:Added the Canada Stockwatch server. Fixed the price request format for the Yahoo historical servers to be compatible with dates past January 1, 2000. Fixed the Mobilecomm internet paging. 11/6/99 version 211:Fixed Quicken - Canada format change. 10/30/99 version 210:Fixed Yahoo-UK format change. 10/25/99 version 209:Fixed Yahoo-UK and improved Swiss quote server. 10/21/99 version 208:Fixed Yahoo-UK format change. 10/10/99 version 207:Fixed Quicken - Canada server, and added option to divide JSE prices by 100 before updating. By default, prices from the Johannesburg server are updated as reported by this server, which is in cents. If you prefer, you can have these prices divided by 100, so your investments are tracked in Rand instead of cents. To update in Rand, modify the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\Internet Retr Set a value for jse_adj in this registry key to the string of "100". The Internet Retr key will probably already exist, so you can just add the jse_adj value to this existing key. Registry values can be added with the "regedit" application. 10/2/99 version 206:Fixed CBS, TeleStock, and Yahoo servers due to format/URL changes. 9/14/99 version 205:Fixed Checkfree server and added support for the New Zealand Stock Exchange (Global Register). 8/17/99 version 204:Fixed Yahoo-UK server, fixed problem with Swiss Quote access through a proxy server, and added support for a new server, European Investor. 7/29/99 version 203:Fixed Yahoo-UK server not working with .PA quotes. 6/5/99 version 202:Fixed broken Swiss Quote and CNN Financial Network servers. 5/22/99 version 201:Added support for 2 new servers, Swiss Quote and Johannesburg. Updated Yahoo - UK due to exchange suffix change. If no suffix is specified in the investment's symbol, .L (London Stock Exchange) is the default. If you desire a different default, add a value to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\Internet Retr Set the default extension value in the yahoo_uk_def_exch value. Examples would be ".M" or ".P". It is not necessary to specify this default if you have added the exchange suffix to your investment's symbols. The suffix specified in the investment's symbol overrides the default. The default is only used if you do not have any exchange suffix specified in your investment's symbol. 4/10/99 version 200:Released with Fund Manager 4.0. Same functionality as version 117. The 2xx versions of the internet retrieve module work with Fund Manager 4.x versions. 10/25/99 version 120:Updated Yahoo-UK and Quicken-CA servers. 5/22/99 version 118:Updated Yahoo-UK (see version 201) and removed the Quicken server. Quicken server is available with the 2xx versions of the internet retrieve module. 3/12/99 version 117:Updated Yahoo - UK due to a hostname change. 3/6/99 version 116:Updated Yahoo - UK due to a format change. 12/2/98 version 115:Updated Yahoo - UK due to a format change. 11/28/98 version 114:Fixed the Yahoo historical servers to be able to retrieve indexes. Also added support for being able to adjust the default date. 11/6/98 version 113:Split the previous "Yahoo (Historical Quote)" server into Yahoo (Adjusted Historical) and Yahoo (Historical), to allow for retrieving prices either adjusted for distributions and splits or not. Also, updated the Yahoo - UK server for a format change. 10/28/98 version 112:Added support for the Yahoo (Historical Quote) server. Also, visit Yahoo for more information on their quotes as well as lots of other information. 10/10/98 version 111:Updated Quicken due to format change. 9/7/98 version 110:Fixed Yahoo - UK so it imports prices greater than 1000 correctly. 8/21/98 version 109:Updated Quicken-CA due to URL and format change. 8/18/98 version 108:Updated Quicken and CBS Market Watch servers due to format changes. 7/18/98 version 107:Updated Quicken-CA server and made PCQuote retrieve more robust. 7/8/98 version 106:Updated for CBS Market Watch site changes in reply format. 6/12/98 version 105:Quicken - Canada site changed the URL for price requests, made modifications to reflect the new URL. 5/21/98 version 104:Made the retrieve more robust for the Yahoo - UK server. Fixed a problem with the 16 bit version of the DLL not working with the ASX server. 4/5/98 version 103:Updated the Yahoo - UK server. The reply format from the server had changed. The prices are now updated for the date specified by the server, rather than the computer's date. 3/22/98 version 102:Updated the Yahoo - UK updating method. The default behavior was changed so that all investments recorded in FM with the symbol suffix of .L will always be updated in pounds. All other investments will be updated by the price, as reported back from the Yahoo - UK server. If you desire a different behavior, the behavior of this retrieve can be changed from the default by adding a value to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\Internet Retr Set a value for yahoo_uk in this registry key to the string of "X". X must be an integer. The Internet Retr key will probably already exist, so you can just add the yahoo_uk value to this existing key. Registry values can be added with the "regedit" application. The X in the above description should be replaced with an integer number as described here: X = 0 or not present: default
behavior (.L suffixed symbols updated in
pounds, all others as specified by server) A common value of X would be 1 if you want prices updated in pence rather than the default of pounds. 2/21/98 version 101:Changed Quicken - CA to request Canadian mutual fund prices, instead of Canadian stock prices. Use the Quicken-CA mutuals quote server to retrieve Canadian mutual fund prices. To get started the first time, visit www.quicken.ca to search for the "fund_key" by Baycom number or fund name. After a search, a table will display the matching "Fund Name" and "Fund Code" with links to click on that will display the data for that fund. Click on the desired link. The "fund_key" is listed in the last part of the URL, such as "fundKey=INV*EUR". This example "fund_key" is for Investors European Growth Fund, with Baycom number (also referred to as fund code) INV106. Record this "fund_key" (INV*EUR in this example) as the symbol for your Canadian mutual funds. (note, the "fund_key" is case sensitive) 12/29/97 version 100:First released, with the release of Fund Manager 3.2 for Win95/NT and 10.2 for Windows |
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