Hello Mark,
I've recently encountered an issue with my Fidelity personal brokerage reconciliation, perhaps related to the fact that for the first time I have both margin debt and a short sale positive balance. Fidelity shows this on the monthly statement as "debit balance" and "short balance", respectively, and the sum of these two is the value of the Core Account (in this case, FTEXX money market fund). On their brokerage website, the current values are shown in my account as "Margin Debit Balance" and "Short Credit Balance", respectively. When I reconcile manually against the Fidelity statement the share balances for FTEXX match those shown in Fund Manager. When I attempt to reconcile by downloading from Fidelity, however, the share balances for FTEXX from Fidelity reflect only the current "debit balance", without consideration of my "short balance". Is there something I can do retrieve the correct (summed) balances? I had been reconciling successfully via retrieval when I had margin debt, but prior to having a positive short balance. I've not yet tried to reconcile via retrieval having a positive short balance, but without any margin debt, as I've not been in that situation.