I just reinstalled FM 2014 after converting from XP to Win 7. Everything seems to be working properly except that when I try to exit the program either by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner of the window or using the exit control under file, I get the following:
Access denied
followed by:
Portfolio autosave failed.
The program then proceeds to save two files in the folder I specified for autosave under options
where TotalWorth is the name of the portfolio.
I get similar results when I hit the save portfolio and backup all data controls. The save investments control seems to work properly
I am thinking that I may have used an improper file name when I first clicked on save portfolio, but a can't seem to get the program to give me another chance to try something else. I searched the disk for the filename I used and deleted each occurrence, but no change. By the way, I am logged on as administrator. Suggestions??