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Upgrade to 9...lost data

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Postby bmwbuzz » Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:34 pm

I just upgraded to version 9. Prior to doing this, I had updated pricing and closed my prior version. After upgrading, my data files are no longer available. I cant find them anywhere on my HD.

I do have a backup, but wanted to know if this problem has happened before...and if there is a fix.

Name: Brendan W. Collins
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Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:29 pm

Postby Mark » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:45 am

Hi Brendan,

What version were you using before? Did you uninstall your old version before installing 9? It is best if you don't... If you didn't uninstall your old version, 9.x should just automatically re-open your same data files. Do you know where your data files were being stored?

Another possibility is that if you are using Vista, and were not previously using a Vista compatible version of Fund Manager, your data files may have been placed into a virtual store folder. If your old version of Fund Manager was 8.4 or earlier, and you were saving your data files underneath the C:\Program Files folder, then your data was automatically be saved by Vista into another folder:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files

If this is the case, browse to this folder, and copy your data files out of there, and into another folder, like "Documents\Fund Manager". Note, the "AppData" folder is hidden, so you have to display hidden files/folders to see it. For some more background on this, see: ... sions.html
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Postby ajgleason » Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:32 am

I too lost all my data yesterday. I was running Version 7.8 on my Vista Home Edition, bought the upgrade to Version 9.3, overlaid the program into the existing Fund Manager folder and couldn't bring up anything. The only OLD files that I have are the .mm4 files which I saved on a different drive, but no .dat files, not realizing that these (obviously now!) needed to be saved also. How do I feel about this? Just great! Now it seems that I will have to go back to my hard copy files and begin again, for the last twelve-odd years; unless the Great Gurus have a fix! :twisted:
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Postby Mark » Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:24 am

Hi ajgleason,

I can help here. When you run 7.8 under Vista, your data files were probably being "virtualized" because 7.8 is not Vista compatible. When you switched to 9.3 your data files were no longer being virtualized, and FM couldn't find them. To fix this, go copy your data files out of the Virtual Store, and place them where you'd like to keep your data, like in "My Documents\Fund Manager". Please go look for your files here:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Fund Manager\My_Data

and copy them to the My Documents\Fund Manager folder, and then open it from there within Fund Manager.
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Postby ajgleason » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:44 pm

It appears that I was able to recover all data and .mm4 files. After I save them to another disk as well as within my Documents, I'll make an attempt to pull them in and work the files and folders. Thank You, Mark, my Guru. :D
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