I have a possible solution...
Since you're on a Mac (like me, but I run FM in a Windows VM), I suggest you do the following. Launch a terminal then type:
- Code: Select all
find . | grep -i \.dat$
This will surely return a lot of false positives, (.dat files that are NOT investments), but contained in this long list should be your actual FM data. For example, in my case:
- Code: Select all
./Google Drive/Fund Manager/mehiltne_fmdata/HSAFMAGX_1_1.dat
./Google Drive/Fund Manager/mehiltne_fmdata/IAP Fund.dat
./Google Drive/Fund Manager/mehiltne_fmdata/IBM19790668.dat
So now you can navigate to that folder:
- Code: Select all
cd ./Google\ Drive/Fund\ Manager/mehiltne_fmdata
Then dump the last modified date of each file:
- Code: Select all
ls -lt
At the top of this list will be the files most recently modified. That is, investments currently "open." Some ways under here will be filed that are slightly more stale. These will likely be the investments you actually closed.
Perhaps a complex solution, but it should work...