Hi gerhardps,
We don't have a specific document explaining just the differences (probably would be a good idea...), but there is a high level summary of the differences in our version comparison table:
I can quickly point out where you can access some of these features.
- "Edit / Client List...". You use this dialog to define your clients, enter their contact info, notes, etc. You also assign a client to a particular sub-portfolio here. This information is used when batch printing, so you can for example ask to print a certain set of reports/graphs for all your clients at once. Instead of you having to manually go in and set up each report/graph for each client, you just set the report/graph up once, and when batch printing it automatically changes the sub-portfolio to that client's assigned sub-portfolio. Client information can also be mail merged into report titles and sub-titles. (Options / Report Headers...)
- "File / Batch Print..."
- "File / Send By Email...". Send graphs/reports to your clients by email.
- From within a report window "Edit / Copy Picture", or from within a graph window "Edit / Copy to Clipboard". This command copies a re-sizable image to the clipboard that you can paste into some other document, like if you want to put some wrapping verbage or put multiple graphs/reports on a single page.
- All of the broker/dealer interfaces are under "File / Import"
- You'll also notice differences in the "Report Settings" dialog in some cases. For example, if you turn on sub-totaling you'll see the option "Limit Hierarchy to X Levels". This can be useful if you just want to show the top level summaries, but not go all the way down the sub-portfolio hierarchy. You will also see the option "Hide Totals In Footer". This can be used to put an index at the same level as a client's portfolio in a report, but not report on the total of the index plus the client portfolio.
- Report disclaimers can be set from within any report window under "Options / Report Preferences... / Disclaimer".