Lots of posts about account number / password security. This one is probably the closest to what I'd like to continue with. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3742 It talks about how the .dat files have account numbers as part of the file names. Part of your reply, relevant here, included "You can adjust the default filename of new investments to not include the account number. See "Edit / Internet Retrieve / Transactions / New Investment Options...". You can also re-save an existing investment to a new filename using "File / Save Investment As...". The filename does not matter to Fund Manager, it can be anything you want."
Here's my issue: Assets in some accounts are being named with the account number, but IMO, FM should be "dumb" to the account number so should be unable to do that.
Here's the timeline.
Several years ago I experimented with transaction downloads. FM needs the account number for that. I didn't like how downloads works with my workflow so disabled the feature and deleted the account number. (Highlight a portfolio, "Properties", deleted account number, "Transaction retrieve settings", uncheck.)
Per your post to the previous thread, I check ("Edit / Internet Retrieve / Transactions / New Investment Options...") and see the box unchecked.
But (finally) to the point of my question, where in FM is my account number being stored such that assets created in the last few months STILL have a default file name with my account numbers? How do I sanitize FM of that information?