I know this behavior sounds weird, but I am occasionally seeing an older version of a FM file popping up in unexpected places. I've recently upgraded to version 9.5, running on Windows XP Pro. Everything seems to be operating normally. FM is installed in C:\Program Files\Fund Manager\. The data files are stored in the suggested place of \Desktop\Fund Manager\. I have recently migrated everything to a different hard drive and motherboard, BTW.
Today, I installed a small program called "My Cash" for evaluation. I then ran the uninstall progam, which left some My Cash data files in C:\Program Files\My Cash. Amazingly, a file with the FM logo appears in this folder (created just today), called Account.dat. When I open this file in FM, I'm informed that this file is from an earlier version and needs to be converted for use in version 9.5. About a week ago, I noticed the same FM logo file included in an attachment to one of my recently received emails (sorry, I deleted that, thinking it was a fluke). The other part of the attachment (correctly) contained some photos.
I did not proceed with the conversion process, which of course I already did when installing version 9.5 over my earlier version 8 program. Any ideas on what might be going on? Broken registry?
I just had the bright idea of looking at the file in question on a hex disk viewer. This file "Account.dat" actually belongs to the My Cash program, but is being marked with the FM logo - probably by my file association options in Windows File Manager (explorer). That would also explain the email attachment, which is also a file created in Outlook Express with attachments as a .dat file. What threw me was that FM identified that file as belonging to a previous version of FM. -WF