I'm looking at the Data Register for a particular stock that I just transferred from one brokerage to another. I made a Note (Data Type / Note) saying "Xfered from xxx to yyy completed 6/26/23." While I'm looking at the Data Types drop-down list, it dawns on me that if I (1) took full advantage of Notes and Alerts, and (2) had a data register window where I could see Prices interleaved with Notes and Alerts (when they were initiated, changed or deleted), then I'd have pretty much everything in FM that I currently keep in my paper notebook as a diary.
I'd also need a report where I could do "print" of that Data Register and any buy/sell transactions, with price is only shown the day I changed a Note or Alert. The report could be generated at different levels like "only this investment" or "this portfolio" sorted by time or by investment, and for multiple portfolios grouped under a folder. (ex, for symbol, show date, note, alert, buy / sell; and price where note, alert, buy / sell are not blank.)
I doubt this is a new idea but I don't see it under search for journal or log.