I like very much FM, and I'm using it for monitoring my investment.
Here some ideas to improve usability and functionality:
- when pasting a transaction (via copy/past) I'd like to have, in addition to existing option, tha possibility (I can choose Y/N) of add a "PASTED" text (or something similar) at the end of memo field, so that I can immediately recognize the last pasted transaction;
- in investment properties, I'd like to have one or more url field so that I can immediately jump to corresponding internet pages about investment (i.e.: morningstar page for funds)
- a new type of purchase: the "recurrent" purchase so that I can more easily register periodical investment in a semi-automated way, without entering every transaction one by one. It would be very useful for recurrent (monthly) investment in funds or retirement funds.
Alternatively, and much more simple, you can think to a function (in addition to copy/paste) that duplicates the selected transaction, and open the dialog box with "old" data so that I can re-edit them. This could be more useful that actual copy/paste;
- Instead of 100 field for inv. goal and assett allocation, I'd like to have one more category: something like "Composition" category (but everyone could customize it) where I can register, for example, geographical composition of investement of mutual funds or other data ... Obviously, I'm interested in reports too.