I've encountered the following issue for both Janus and Oakmark Funds:
The OFX server seems to require a different account number for each investment (Fund).
For example: I have 3 Janus Mutual Funds held directly with Janus. I have created a sub-Portfolio under my "Master" portfolio entitled Janus and under that I've added the 3 Mutual Funds as investments, JANEX, JANRX, JNRFX. I've associated an account number with each investment (as done by Janus). When I go to update Transactions for "Janus", I get a popup asking to specify an account number BUT only one investment is updated. It looks like the account number in the "investment Properties" is not used for OFX server updates. If I create sub-portfolios under Janus and add ONE fund per sub-portfolio, I can update the Transaction Retrieve settings for that Sub and it works fine. This there a way to associate Transaction Retrieve settings for individual investments, or another way of associating transaction account #'s with individual investment with out creating multiple sub-portfolios?