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Postby cewillis » Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:13 am

Couple of new user questions:
1) Is there any way to open all sub-portfolios simultaneously in Portfolio Editor? (similar to the Portfolio Value report for the master portfolio, but with all the capability of Portfolio Editor)
2) I hold some ETFs in multiple sub-portfolios. The ETFs are defined and stored separately for each sub-portfolio. This is what happen upon importing a Quicken.QIF file. Is the a way to define the ETFs only once, but still hold them in multiple sub-portfolios?
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Postby Mark » Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:26 am

Hi cewillis,

1) Do you mean expand and show all the sub-portfolio hierarchy on the left? There isn't a command to open all of them at once. You can of course open them all, but you'd need to click the "+" to the left of each sub-portfolio until they were all expanded.

2) Sorry, no. Each investment holds its own properties, transactions, and prices. Since you need a separate investment for the transactions in different accounts, it also needs to have its own properties. In the Advisor version you can edit investment properties by symbol, using "Edit / Symbol List...".
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Postby cewillis » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:48 am

I don't really care if it's in the left or the right pane; I'd just like to see all subs and there investments in one place (with Portfolio editor capabilities). I don't have a "+" to the left of each sub-portfolio. I can open each sub and see it's included investments, one at a time by clicking the sub in the left pane.
Each investment holds its own properties, transactions, and prices.

OK, I understand that's how it is in the software. I would just suggest that a better data structure would be to treat investment as the fundamental entity - defined once only. The portfolios would then track which investments are contained therein and the transactions unique to the portfolio.
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Postby Mark » Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:54 am

Hi cewillis,

You can only look at the direct contents of a single sub-portfolio at a time in the Portfolio Editor. Whatever you select on the left, its direct contents are shown on the right, along with a total for that selected sub-portfolio. The "+" sign only shows up if your sub-portfolio contains other sub-portfolios.

I agree with your points on the structure of storing investment data. Unfortunately, it hasn't been set up that way.
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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Postby cewillis » Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:08 pm

Not many things are 'perfect', either by design or construction.
btw, I'm in Tucson - small world.
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