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Vanguard reinvested dividends not showing up

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Postby Bob MacBook » Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:45 pm

I am trying to import transactions from my Vanguard accounts. I downloaded a Quickend *.qfx export file, and imported it into Fund Manager 10.4. Three accounts imported perfectly. However, two of my accounts have problems.

First, my old traditional IRA Brokerage shows that I still have equities in that account. However, all equities were transferred from my traditional IRA to my Roth IRA brokerage in December.

Second, in my Roth IRA brokerage account, it does not show my dividends being reinvested. Vanguard treats reinvested dividends as two seperate transactions - the dividend gets paid in the first transaction, and then those proceeds are reinvested in the stock as a second transaction. It looks like the first transaction is being processed, but the second transaction is not. That was not a problem while the stocks were in my old traditional IRA - it started after the stocks were transferred to my Roth IRA.

Not long after I opened my traditional IRA in April 2009, Vanguard changed its account number. In fact, FM shows the original account number, not the current one. Perhaps that confused the FM import?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Bob MacBook
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Postby Mark » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:38 am

Hi Bob,

Just curious, why you downloaded/imported, instead of just retrieved using the New Portfolio Wizard? That is usually easier...

1) If you look in your IRA account, do you see any transactions on the date of the transfer? Use the Data Register and "Investments (all)" data type. If you look in your .QFX file with a text editor, like Notepad, do you see any mention of the transfer transactions? If the .QFX file is too confusing, take a look at the "xmldump.txt" file in your user's application data\Fund Manager folder right after importing that file. It is a more human readable format.

Basically, you want to look at what transactions are recorded in Fund Manager, and what is in your .QFX file. Maybe the .QFX file doesn't have the transfers for some reason, and you have to manually record them.

2) Same answer here... Look in your .QFX file (or xmldump.txt) , and see what transactions are in the .QFX file.

If you look in your QFX file, do you see transactions for 2 accounts?
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Postby Bob MacBook » Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:32 am

I am running FM using the latest Wine on a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. That seems to interfere with directly connecting to Vanguard (and ETrade too). Luckily it doesn't interfere with getting price data from Yahoo.

I haven't looked at the dividend problem yet. Re the first problem with my traditional IRA, it turns out there are actually several issues.
1a) In 2009, I purchased nine stocks like PBR and VPRT. Everything looks great for these equities, except they don't show the stock symbol. When I look at the Data Register window (by using F5), the Investment dropdown shows blanks. Is there a way to edit these transactions? The "Edit" menu doesn't help.
1b) Vanguard changed the account number shortly after I opened this account. Same traditional IRA, different account number. The OFX file doesn't mention the new account number anywhere, so the xmldump doesn't mention it either. I know this is Vanguard's problem, but can you suggest a workaround?
1c) I transferred some Fidelity mutual funds from another institution to my traditional IRA. The xmldump file seems to have no record of this. The OFX file is too hard to read. However, a Vanguard CSV export clearly shows the asset transfer. If the CSV has it, the OFX should have it too, I would think.
1d) The xmldump file shows no "transfer out" records for the ETFs which I transferred from the traditional IRA to the Roth IRA. That must explain the problem I originally reported. Again, the CSV has these records, but they are labelled "Rollover Conversion" (because of the Roth conversion, I guess) and "Other". If the OFX is just as confusing, well, I can see why FM would miss that. Again, can you suggest a workaround?

Thanks again.
Bob MacBook
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Postby Mark » Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:38 am

Hi Bob,

1a) Right mouse click on the investment, and choose "Properties...". You can edit the symbol from there.

1b) Is the problem that you want your account to have the new account number? If so, just edit the properties of the sub-portfolio, and you can change the account number there.

1c) Maybe, but it seems possible that their OFX generation program may not have all transaction types implemented. The xmldump.txt should have everything in the OFX file. If it isn't in the OFX file, then it won't import of course. You could maybe search the OFX file for a specific share quantity of one of these transfers, to double check it isn't in there.

You can import from a CSV file too, using the "Generic" transaction import. If there are only a handful of transactions, it may be easier to just manually enter them.

1d) You can manually enter these transfers if there aren't too many of them. If there are a bunch of them, you can use the generic transaction import, and import them from the CSV file. The generic transaction import can be difficult to learn. It is powerful, but also complex.

Just curious, what happens when you try retrieving transactions under Wine? I haven't heard of a problem before...
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Postby Bob MacBook » Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:47 pm

Re the second problem with not reinvesting dividends, here is the entry from the xmldump file. The stock position says "REINVDIV", right?

- UNIQUEID (12811P108)
- UNITS (1196.0301)
- UNITPRICE (12.3)
- MKTVAL (14711.17)
- DTPRICEASOF (20100325160000.000[-5:EST])
- MEMO (Price as of date based on closing price)
- POSSTOCK [etc etc etc]

And this is one of the monthly(!) dividend payments for the same CUSIP:

- FITID (214929087)
- DTTRADE (20100106160000.000[-5:EST])
- DTSETTLE (20100106160000.000[-5:EST])
- UNIQUEID (12811P108)
- TOTAL (99.47)
Bob MacBook
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Postby Mark » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:04 pm

Hi Bob,

The REINVDIV statement in the position section is not really used. A reinvested dividend should be recorded as either a "REINVEST" transaction or a combination of a "INCOME", plus a "INVBUY". Notice your example "INCOME" transaction has no share quantity information, which is required to record a reinvestment. Do you see a separate buy transaction for that same $99.47?

If you retrieve/import with the option to:

Record matching purchase/distribution as reinvestment

turned on, then the matching buy/dividend will be combined into a reinvestment, instead of 2 separate transactions.
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Postby Bob MacBook » Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:25 pm

OK, re 1a) and 1b), that was too easy :-> Thanks.

I have confirmed that 1a) is a problem with the Vanguard export - the symbols for this set of stocks are nowhere in the OFX file. However, Fund Manager could look them up using the CUSIP, as a service to its users.

For 1b), I think I am stuck using the old account nukmber since that is what Vanguard will keep using on its OFX export. No big deal, I can live with that.

Re 1c) there are only five transactions so I will try entering them by hand. For 1d) there are a dozen or so transactions and I can do that by hand too.

When i try connecting directly to Vanguard, I get a pop-up window with this error message: "Post HttpOpenRequest WinInet error code 12157 Message: [OK]". In the terminal window which is running "wine fm.exe" four more messages show up:

fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 300000
fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 3600000
fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (300000): STUB
err:wininet:NETCON_init failed to load symbol X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data

The same thing happens when I try to connect to ETrade. As I said, the yahoo connection works for prices, so it is probably something to do with the login process to Vanguard and ETrade.
Bob MacBook
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Postby Mark » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:15 am

Hi Bob,

Usually an OFX file does have the symbol and name in the security information section. This is where the mapping from CUSIP to name, symbol, investment type is done. Fund Manager will use this information if present in the file.

It looks like somehow your setup isn't working with a secure (HTTPS) connection, which is required for the transaction retrieve from an OFX server.
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Postby KenMangeFunds » Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:43 pm

When I added a new E*Trade portfolio and asked to "Receive Transactions", I got two error messages (attached) first saying "WinInet error code: 12169" and second saying "Failed to retrieve portfolio. Broker E*Trade"

How can I fix this? I know I got the account number, ID and password right.


error2.png (7.55 KiB) Viewed 6926 times
error.png (6.76 KiB) Viewed 6926 times
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Postby Mark » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:12 am

Hi Ken,

That 12169 error is unusual, and means that the SSL certificate is invalid. I just checked E*Trade by doing a test retrieve from here, and it worked correctly. There may be something not configured right with your WinInet module that it didn't work with E*Trade's certificate. This is a component that comes with Internet Explorer. What version of Internet Explorer do you have installed on your computer? Does it function okay?
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Postby KenMangeFunds » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:57 am

Hi Mark,

I'm running FM using CrossOver on my iMac. When I bought FM Personal, iexplore automatically opened from CrossOver and iexplore seems to work OK. (attached screen shot of iexplore)

When I searched for WinInet, I only found one file named wininet.dll. (attached screen shot of location of wininet.dll)

I also have Parallels Desktop so I can test it using that with my FM portfolio, but PD takes a long time to open compared to CrossOver. Will that help, or can I fix my CrossOver wininet.dll file?

Thank you!

iexplore.png (23.5 KiB) Viewed 6920 times
crossover.png (39.43 KiB) Viewed 6920 times
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Postby Mark » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:01 am

Hi Ken,

I really don't know... We only officially support Windows. I can tell you that it is somehow related to the certificate and your wininet module, that comes with IE under Windows. You might try both platforms, and see if one works better than the other. I'm not sure, but you might also see if you can update IE and/or reset all the advanced settings. In IE on Windows, if you go to the "Internet Options" dialog, under the "Advanced" tab, there are 2 buttons:

"Restore advanced settings"

When there are issues like this, often going through those buttons will clear things up.
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Postby KenMangeFunds » Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:13 pm

I tried FM on Parallels Desktop and it did connect to E*Trade. I copied the wininet.dll from PD to CrossOver but it didn't work.

Sometime I will try to install Internet Explorer on CrossOver. If it works I will let you know so you can tell this to other Mac users.

Thanks again!

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