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General questions about using Fund Manager that do not fit into any other forum.

Postby finmanjim » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:29 pm


I have been reviewing some of the features of FM over the last couple of days. I am a long-time user of BetterInvesting's™ Portfolio Manager but I am not happy with various aspects of that program and therefore I am considering changing.

I have viewed many of the online tutorials, but I am wondering if there is an option to print out a user manual. This way I can take my time and see the whole picture. It will be a tremendous amount of work for me to re-enter all of my data for DRIP stocks, etc. and I am concerned about the learning curve.

Also, is there any type of feature such as a "Home Page" where one can view their entire portfolio and act as a starting point when entering FM?


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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:14 am
Location: Miami, Florida

Postby Mark » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:53 pm

Hi Jim,

Thanks for considering Fund Manager. Yes, we have all the tutorials in a printable PDF or Word format. You can download that here:

Fund Manager doesn't have a "Home Page", but you can set up your workspace however you like, and then save your portfolio. When you re-open Fund Manager next time, all your windows will be in the same place as when you last saved the portfolio. You might like to have the Portfolio Editor open, maybe your favorite summary report, and some summary graph. There are 3 different types of windows to view your data: Reports, Graphs, and Portfolio Editor. You can have multiple Graphs/Report windows open, and all of these are saved to your portfolio.

Also, if your current portfolio manager has an "export" feature, you might see what formats they can export. You may very well be able to import your data, instead of manually entering it.
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