by Mark » Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:25 pm
HI AssetHound,
Glad you found the answer. I'll go ahead and clarify though, in case others might benefit from the answer.
The "ROI Yield (owned between)" field is defined as:
The ROI yield for the period shares were owned between the beginning and ending report dates. If shares were owned for multiple periods the date range spans all ownership periods within the report dates. To view these dates use Date owned, start (between) and Date owned, end (between). If an interpolated price is used for the calculation, an asterisk (*) will be displayed next to the yield.
The "ROI Yield (inception)" field is defined as:
The ROI yield starting on the investment inception date (earliest transaction) through the ending report date. (For the total portfolio figure the earliest inception date of all investments is used for the beginning date.)
In both cases, where there are periods that you didn't own any shares, the performance in those times will be weighted to zero, so they won't impact the ROI. Also, in the "Yield Interpolation Range..." dialog there is an option that controls whether or not an ROI will be displayed in these cases, called:
"Only Report ROI Yields When Item is Owned for Entire Yield Term"
So, if you have that option checked, and you have periods where you didn't own any shares in the yield term, you'll get an "N/A" reported.