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Multiple Stocks different Portfolios

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Postby 4MoreProfits » Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:27 pm

I have the same stock ticker in several of my portfolios. For example in the Kids I have P&G in my Roth I have P&G and in a DRIP I have P&G. I name the investment Kids - P&G and then go to the DRIP and name it DRIP-P&G when I go back to the Kids or the Roth the name is now DRIP-P&G even when I am saving the data to different files. This just started to happen today. I actually copied the file from the DRIP Portfolio folder to the Kids Portfolio folder. is there something in the file when you first set it up that would make the investment names follow each other. I did this because it was just easier than setting all the Goals, sectors ect. that I use.

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Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:06 am

Postby Mark » Mon Feb 22, 2016 7:58 pm

Hi Jim,

It sounds like you are using multiple copies of the same investment file. When you copy/paste an investment using the Portfolio Editor you are just making another copy of that same investment file. You can double check under "Investment Properties... / Statistics", and check the "Filename". Each one should be unique, so you can have separate properties/transactions. For more on this, see: ... tments.php

If you want to create a new investment, and copy all the properties of an existing investment, you can use "File / File Operations / New Investment from Existing...".
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