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Merging CASH investment and default Cash

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Postby -Andy- » Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:06 pm

One of my subportfolios has ended up with both a default cash account named "Cash -acctname" and an investment named CASH. When I created the portfolio I used a TXIN of CASH shares at $1 each for money into the portfolio.

What is the best way to merge these two. It's probably better to remove the CASH investment and let FM use the default cash account and the CASH investment should be removed?

Can a TXIN be done to the default cash account within that subportfolio? I have seen in other posts that adding money could be done by recording a buy but wouldn't FM automatically make a corresponding sell of that many dollars in the default cash account, to cover that buy?
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Postby Mark » Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:40 am

Hi Andy,

Your plan to merge these 2 cash investments is a good one. If you only have a single TXIN to move, that is pretty easy, but if there are a lot of transactions, you can copy/paste them to make it much easier. We have a tutorial on merging 2 investments here:

If you record a BUY in your default cash, there will not be any corresponding entry recorded. Anytime you record a transaction directly in your default cash, there is no corresponding entry created.
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Postby -Andy- » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:57 pm

Hi Mark

The tutorial was useful; I was about to say it might not apply but in fact my "CASH" and "Default cash" investments both have the symbol CASH so that should work and the transactions would be merged. I had assumed there were different investments and symbols until now.

I see there is a backup and restore; is there an undo for the cut and paste (ctl-Z?)? Then I can try one transaction and see if has the right outcome.

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Postby Mark » Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:26 am

Hi Andy,

It isn't necessary for the 2 investments you want to merge to have the same symbols. You can copy/paste transactions between any 2 investments, no matter the symbol.

Sorry, no, there is no "undo" command. Here are a couple suggestions:

1) Create a backup before you start. Use "File / Backup...". If things go wrong, you can always restore to that point where you made the backup.

2) You can always exit without saving. Turn off the "Options / Save Investments/Portfolio on Exit" commands, and exit Fund Manager. Press "No" when Fund Manager prompts you to save your work before exiting.
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