I use FM for four portfolios and as a daily routine I access these one by one using File/Open portfolio/Name and enter new data. Of course, I want to have my data secured and so I adjusted the autoback preferences with the aim to save them daily and to keep up to 35 backups (see attachment).
To my disappointment this does not produce the required results as I get no backups with the exception that only one of the portfolios is backed up daily. It took me some days to discover that only that portfolio will be updated that is open when I finally close FM.
I don't know whether this is intended in this way. When I go through my daily routine I open portfolio #1 with the Open Portfolio button, then enter my data and open portfolio #2 again with that button, then enter the data and open portfolio #3, enter the data and do same for portfolio #4. When I'm ready I close FM with the button (small cross) in the upper right corner. As a result only portfolio #4 is updated by the autobackup function and portfolios #1,#2 and #3 are not.
Do I really have to close FM after working on each portfolio and relaunch FM for the next one?
Peter Petula