by DavidJ » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:41 am
I was about to answer that I remembered that there was also some problem with the updates because I run FM using runas from my User account, though it's installed in the Administrator account. Then I decided to try to accept the dll update.
It gave me a bunch of error messages, and then refused to update pries at all, saying that inteng9x.dll was missing, which it is. I will try to copy that dll from some backup somewhere, and it that doesn't work - and if you have no other ideas - I'll just uninstall FM and reinstall it as two separate users. As you see, I've been having a lot of trouble with FM generally the last few days. Maybe a more conventional configuration will help.
A few minutes later: Well I reinstalled the dll from a backup, and it's updating prices fine now, but I guess that that's the reason I didn't want to accept the dll updates.
Thanks again.