Been a few years since I last used Fund Manager, just downloaded the eval of the latest version, created a new portfolio and added a single investment, but can't get the Portfolio Value to display the correct price and total value.
ATG1V.HE (updated via Reuters), 4 shares purchased on 2.1.2010 for 32,90€ each with a 1,32€ transaction fee. Current last price is 33,10€.
The portfolio itself shows the correct current total value, which is 132,40€, but Portfolio Value report claims that value = 131,60€ and is showing an interpolated price of 32,90€. Why is it using any sort of "interpolated price" which seems to match the initial purchase cost when it already knows and shows the correct 33,10€ price in the portfolio view?
Similar thing seems to happen to 2nd stock I added, only it's worse as the report shows wrong currency:
1 share of BRKb.N purchased on 13.1.2010 for 226,89$ with a 2,27$ transaction fee. Portfolio default currency is EUR, the share is obviously USD. Portfolio view displays current value of 176,83$, which is the correct last price. Yet, Portfolio Value report shows Value (€): 226,89. Not only is the value not correct (correct would be 163,66€), it displays the initial 226,89$ purchase price as current € value.