capital Gain Issue
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I have recently sold 2 securities, a stock and a MF. The CG are not captured in the CG report no matter what method of CG reporting I pick (would prefer specified lots). I've tried all the accounting methods in the report settings. This was first noticed in a MF transaction where there were multiple reinvestments, but most recently with a simple stock sale with only 3 buys, and 1 sale. Any suggestions where I've gone wrong. Thanks
Hi LungDoc,
1) Check the date range of your report covers the sell dates. 2) Check the option at "Options / Report Preferences... / Capital Gains". I'm guessing you have exclude cash and tax free investments checked. This is the default. Make sure your MF and stock are not marked as cash type or tax-free in Investment Properties..
This solved the problem for me with the stock sale. I had inadvertently listed this as a cash asset (duh). The remaining issue is with a tax-free MF. It is not characterized as a cash asset. No matter whether I specify specific lots, or min gain or max gain or FIFO I get the message that "Not all sold shares have been fully specified, leave anyway." The specified hares are numerically correct and there are 0 shares left to specify. I do have the sector as a FI Muni, and the Assest type as FI:MM. Under other the default is FIFO, but tax Free is not checked. What have I missed.
Hi LungDoc,
It sounds like there might be something with the "Specify Lots" dialog. In that dialog, all the entries on the left "Redemption" side should have a check mark next to them. It isn't sufficient to only specify the one redemption in question, they all have to be fully specified, and thus have that check mark.
Even when I manually enter the purchased lot and then specifically match the sell lot, the CG report treats the transaction as though it the cost basis is zero. I continue to get the not all sold share have been fully specified. On the right side below the totals for selected redemption continues to show the same not all sold shares have been fully specified.
Hi LungDoc,
If not all the shares for the selected redemption have been specified, you have to choose a purchase on the right side, and then enter under "Shares Specified from Selected Purchase" how many of those shares you want to say were sold with the selected redemption. To use all the shares, just double click on a purchase. Unless a purchase has a check mark next to it, it still has shares remaining to be sold. If the above doesn't resolve it, maybe you can send me a screenshot via email of this dialog.
Hi LungDoc,
Thanks for the screenshot. You have 6 redemptions, but you've only specified 1 of them. On the left side, see how you have a check mark next to the 1 redemption? You need to do the same for the other 5 redemptions, so all 6 redemptions are specified.
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