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Cost-Value graph

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby carluzino » Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:19 pm

Hi Mark,
I am trying your 12.5 version. Looking good....
I do not understand the behavior of the cost-value graph in a portfolio I have. If I sell shares at a nice profit, the value line (blue) goes up showing the profit (increase in the cash account) and the cost line (black) goes up also????. If I buy more shares at a much higher value than the first purchase, the blue line goes down, showing the portfolio lost some value and the black line remains the same. Can you tell me what is that I am doing wrong?
On a different subject (but I hope simpler). How do I produce a cash balance report?, i.e. the report that shows the balance of the cash account linked to the portfolio. I tried the transaction report filtering just for $$$ (cash) but I am not getting what I need.
Tks, as allways, good job.
Carlos Franzino / Santiago, Chile
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:03 pm

Postby Mark » Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:41 pm

Hi Carlos,

The cost - value graph has 2 modes, either "Current" or "Historical". It sounds like you are in "Current" mode. The graph legend has either a "-C" or "-H" in it, indicating the state, plus you can see/change it under "Graphs / Options / Historical cost". If you press "Help / Help on Graph" you can read a detailed explanation, but here is a short version: In "Current", it is plotting the cost of the currently owned shares only. When you sold some shares at a profit, those shares are no longer currently owned. Instead, you now own cash, which you paid the full sell value for, thus your "Current" cost line goes up. Basically, you've realized some profit, so your current un-realized profits have gone down (cost up). Try toggling that "Historical cost" option, and you'll see probably what you are expecting to see.

I'm not sure there is a report that generates just the daily cash balance. You could look in the Data Register at your cash investment, and set the Data type to "Prices". It will show you a table of daily cash balances, one for every day you have a price recorded. The price should always be $1. You can record extra prices if you'd like to see more data points. You could also graph the value of your cash investment and then do "File / Export / Other / Graph Data Points...".
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Postby carluzino » Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:51 pm

Tks Mark for your prompt answer. I have tried the H versión of cost, but it shows the line close to 0 value, I understand what it means but I have invested xxx amount, it is invested mostly on stock that has cost me and it still shows cost=0 (on the right hand scale of the graph). I interpret that as meaning that from the amount I invested originally, I am almost even, not having retrieved or deposit any significant amount extra...??
regds, Carlos
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:03 pm

Postby Mark » Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:12 pm

Hi Carlos,

Does the line start at $0 at inception of your portfolio? If you deposit some money in cash, that should cause your cost to go up to that value. In this mode, the cost line will only change when you have portfolio external money, like a deposit or withdrawal, or transfer. Try changing the dates of the graph, and see what is happening. If it is at $0 forever, then you never had any OOP money added. This could be if you recorded a transfer in at $0 for the OOP value.
Fund Manager - Portfolio Management Software
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