Hi Mark. I am trying to learn how to use the risk/reward scatterplots and in particular how to control which investments are included or excluded from a specific scatterplot.
One thing I tried was to compare sectors. I have about 60 stocks that are all defined in terms of their sectors and they represent all the major sectors, that is, financials, energy, industry, etc. So I asked for a risk/reward scatterplot of sectors but only two sector icons appeared on the chart. So here are my questions:
1. I wonder if the problem is that the score range is not broad enough to capture the full range of returns, as they go from pretty negative to pretty positive. If that is the problem, how do I tell it to expand the scale?
2. I also wonder how to ensure that a given icon represents all the stocks that I have in that sector. E.g., when I see an icon for, say, the Energy sector, is there a way for me to check it and make sure it includes all my holdings in that sector?
3. I also wonder about the menu option that allows me to select specific investments to include. This menu lists all my individual holdings but if I am comparing sectors, for instance, do I need to also stipulate all the specific investments to include or does it automatically include them if they are pre-defined as in a sector?
4. I'd sure like it if I could save graphs, just as I can save reports. I can envision a lot of variations on the risk/reward chart, for instance, and would like to save them as separate graphs to recall later on.