Is there a way to display portfolio value, OOP cost AND cost basis on the same graph? I know the definition of (OOP) cost on this graph excludes reinvested dividends (out_of_pocket_investment = purchases - redemptions - received_distributions), but from a dividend performance perspective, I think it is useful to think of reinvested dividends as "cost" since if I didn't reinvest them, they wouldn't be in the portfolio.
The Portfolio Editor window is useful in this sense since it has a cost basis column, which includes reinvested dividends, and calculates unrealized gain/loss by subtracting cost basis from current value. So in my high dividend portfolio, I show a large positive yield (in the editor and the graph), but an actual unrealized loss (in the editor only). If the Portfolio Cost-Value graph could include a cost basis line, it would be a nice visualization of the effect of reinvested dividends on the portfolio. Thanks.