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Graph exchange rate adjusted doesn't work

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby rk089 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:12 pm


I discovered a strange behaviour of the FM’s Graph function. For explanation, my account portfolio is located under the Master Portfolio containing two sub-portfolios for EUR and USD. Drawing portfolio graphs via context menu for each sub-portfolio works well.

However, when I draw graphs for the account portfolio and toggle exchange rate adjusted (Ctrl+X), so that all is shown in EUR, the graph is incorrect. The overall value in the status bar at bottom is correct and also the small black rectangle visualizing the value while hovering over the graph. But the graph itself is wrong, graph and rectangle do not match.

Any idea what’s going wrong?

Thanks, Robin
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Location: Rostock, Germany

Postby Mark » Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:43 am

Hi Robin,

What is the "small black rectangle"? Could you maybe send us a screen shot, or some sample data to reproduce this problem? I'll send you an email, so you can have our email address to reply to with a screen shot or sample.
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Postby willy wave » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:20 am

Hi, I wanted to add some info - since I come across this behaviour myself as well (i.e. if I understand Robin correctly...)

The thing is this: I too have several trading acocunts that are denominated in USD. Since I am a stubborn European guy ;) I also wish to see my Portfolio Value charts in EUR (through Ctrl-X).

[ Of course, for this to achieve, I have set the foreign accounts into "base currency US$" and I have added the daily EURUSD rate into the top-level folder of the portfolio. ]

When I put up a Portfolio Value chart ("Value" or "Cost-Value") I see this:
- the legend (top left) shows the correct account value & cost (be it in EUR or USD)
- so do the values in the bottom "Portfolio Editor" screens
- however, the account value Line is plotted on the chart at too high a value (see screen dump)
- whereas the "small black rectangle" (by hovering the mouse over the charts) sits below the line, at the correct portfolio value.
Please see the screen dump.

One other thing I wish to address: strangely enough, this "offset" from rectangle (correct value) versus graph line (incorrect value) does not happen all of the time.
E.g. inDecember '09 and May '10 my graph line coincides with the rectangle/the correct portfolio value. But from Jan-April '10 it sits above the graph line, while since June '10 it sits below the chart line. I am simply lost now... :cry:

Hope this elaborate description allows you to pinpoint the issue, if it is one (or am I doing something terribly wrong?). On private message I am also willing to send you my backup files, if needed.

Best regards
& thanks for the efforts

willy wave
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Postby Mark » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:48 am

Hi willy wave,

I believe the cause of this is due to the option "Graphs / Options / Display... / Allow Fast Exchange Rate Interpolation for Portfolio Graphs". This option allows graphs with multiple currencies being exchanged into one to be drawn much quicker, but under certain conditions the exchange rate will not be factored in. From the online help:

Allow Fast Exchange Rate Interpolation for Portfolio Graphs

Affects how the portfolio based graphs are drawn. This option is relevant only when some investments in the portfolio are being exchanged into the default currency using an exchange rate investment. When this option is on, the value of each such investment is only calculated on dates where the investment has a recorded closing price. The value remains constant until the next date where there is a recorded closing price for this investment. If this option is turned off, the investment value will be specifically calculated for each day, whether or not there is a recorded price. Since this investment is being exchanged by an exchange rate investment there can be valuation changes between recorded closing prices. The benefit of turning this option on is the portfolio based graphs will draw much faster when using such investments. For maximum accuracy however, this option should be left off.

Please try turning off this option, and see if the problem you saw doesn't go away.
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Postby willy wave » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:03 pm

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the hint, this really seems to have solved my issue!

I will keep an eye on it in the coming week or so as well, should anything happen I'll let you know.
willy wave
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:50 am

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