Good evening Mark:
I normally set the date axis of the graphs for portfolios to "last 12 months". Every few days, I seem to find this has been changed to "Custom" and the start date is static, no longer tracking the current month and day of the year. Is there some way to keep from continually having to go back and re-request "last 12 months" and click the "Apply to all open graphs" each time???
Second item: At the top of the graphs are a set of data in small type which show gain/loss over various periods. It seems these are for the gain/loss of a single share of this stock over a period. All fine and good but this is followed by "gph" --- gain per hour??? Maybe Gallons per hour -or- guesses per.... Anyway, I've looked around half-seriously a couple of times and can't find what any obvious defiition for "gph" might be. Maybe "gazillions"
Best regards, H. C. "Chuck" Pierce, Dana Point, CA