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Cost-Value report on Cash

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby CeSinge » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:32 pm

The Cost-Value graph (Historical) of a Cash account nicely shows how much cash there was at any point in time. Given that cash doesn't appreciate in value like a stock does, I would expect that the cash OOP value (the cost of the cash) and its current value are, by definition, always exactly equal. In other words, the black OOP line and the blue Value lines are exactly equal, always.
It turns out that's not always the case.

What I see in a few places are things like:
- I have 100 in cash (starting point). Blue and black lines are equal.
- I add 1000 cash. The black line goes up 1000 to 1100, OK. The blue line stays at 100 ( :shock: ?!)
- One month later, 200 cash is removed (because I sold sth or whatever). The black line drops by 200, to 900, OK. But the blue line 'only now' raises from 100 to the 900 level. Again :shock:!

I stared at this for an hour. It cannot explain why that would be.

Thank you, as always, for the excellent support.
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Postby Mark » Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:48 pm

Hi CeSinge,

Are you using version 12.0?

I couldn't reproduce this here. I entered your example, and the blue/black lines both plotted the same/expected values. I've attached that sample investment here. If you open this investment and graph it, does it display properly?
Sample Cash Investment for Cost-Value Graph
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Postby CeSinge » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:15 am


I have no problem with your file (everything is OK), but I took a copy of my own .dat file. I deleted irrelevant transactions, and anonymized the account. The problem occurs in two places Nov 10, 2009 and Dec 19, 2009. Most of my cash files have similar issues.

I use v12, European format dates, and Euros as the base currency.
If you rather want a backup of the portfolio with just this .dat file (and all my settings), I'll send it by e-mail.

Thank you,
Cash FL.dat
Blue and black lines in the cash account are not the same in two places.
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Postby Mark » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:26 am

Hi CeSinge,

I assume you meant November 16, 2009? There was no transaction on November 10, 2009 in the sample you posted. The graph looked correct when I plotted it. See attached.

If you toggle "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted", does that make a difference in the problem?
Cash Problem Plotted
CashProblemGraphed.png (10.09 KiB) Viewed 4829 times
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Postby CeSinge » Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:39 pm

Sorry, I mixed up when converting EU -> US dates... I meant 10/11/09 and 12/19/09.
Still, what you see as correct is not in my case !

Okay, So I:
- Installed FM Pro 12 in an XP VMWare. Copied the dat file. Same problem.
- Then I completed deleted the registry keys related to the FM in the VM, to be sure it's completely clean. Opened the .dat file. Still the same. Even when, in that VMWare, I set every regional setting to the US default. Next step is moving my system to Arizona... 8)

So now, honestly, I don't know any more what I could try. Changing to default currency or not: same.
I include a picture here, so that at least you see that what I mean.

Cash problem.jpg
Shift between cash and 'cash value'.
Cash problem.jpg (49.01 KiB) Viewed 4820 times

Thank you,
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Postby Mark » Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:49 pm

Hi CeSinge,

Why don't you create a simple portfolio file, with just this one investment, and then create a backup using "File / Backup...". You can email this backup to me, and I'll take a look. Maybe there is some setting difference between our systems. I'll restore your backup so we have all the same settings. I'll send you an email so you can reply with your *.FMB file.
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Postby Mark » Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:07 pm

Hi CeSinge,

Thanks for the *.FMB file. I see the problem. On those 2 dates you had cash transactions on weekends. The value plot does not update on weekends if you have "Graphs / Options / Display... / Omit Weekends on Investment Based Graphs" turned on. The cost line does update in this case, so it was changing right away, but the value line doesn't update until the next plotted point. For speed, Fund Manager is only plotting points on dates where you have a price recorded. So, to fix this, either enter your cash transactions for non-weekend dates (which seems like the correct thing to do assuming you can't add cash on a weekend...), or turn off that option to not display weekends on graphs. We can look to improve this in a future version.
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Postby CeSinge » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:55 pm


Indeed, you are right. Setting all the transaction dates that were on a weekend to the next or previous weekday neatly fixes the issue. I'm reviewing all my cash accounts now...
Not a bug, but an 'undocumented design feature'... :|

Still, as you suggest, it would be a small improvement to have FM move these to the next Monday, rather than to the date of the next transaction, which could be weeks further in some cases.
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