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Requests for trendlines

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby Djobydjoba » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:42 am

Hi Mark,

In graphs, trendlines are too thin for my taste (not very visible), and red color is not appropriate (because of MA of the same color).

It would be good if we could choose the color and the thickness for the trendlines. Individually for each line would be best.

The ability to draw some other graphical objects (mainly rectangles and circles) would be cool too.

Last edited by Djobydjoba on Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:24 am

Another request about trendlines : as the name suggests, they are to follow the trend. So there should be an option to expand automatically a line with new quotes, on the right of the screen.

As it is now, trend lines have to be delete and recreate (or edited) manually weeks after weeks, and this is very annoying...

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Postby Mark » Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:45 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Thanks for the feedback. I agree there could be a lot of expanded functionality here. I like the idea of automatically extending trendlines.

You can however adjust the color of trendlines. See "Options / Colors..." while inside a graph window. For example, see the "NAV trend line" color options. This would apply to all trendlines for that graphtype. You can also change the line width, but not specifically just for trendlines. See "Options / Screen Pens..." and you can change all pen widths for a graph. Finally, in case you hadn't seen this feature, you can edit a trendline with your mouse. Hover over either end until the cursor changes to a big X and then hold down the Ctrl + Shift keys on your keyboard, and you can drag that trendline endpoint.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:43 pm

Hi Mark,

Mark wrote:I agree there could be a lot of expanded functionality here.

Indeed. IMHO, the graphical functionalities of FM is good for some things, but are obviously not as powerful as a technical analysis / trading softwares. But if some aspects of them could be implemented it would be great. I use ProRealtime for trading, and can compare both. In my praise, improvements on graphs in FM would be first on this :

Navigation through X axis (Date) and Y axis with horizontal and vertical scroll bars, as in most softwares, zoom + and - (and Ctrl+wheel..). In fact, there is a de facto standard implementation in most trading software to navigate through timeline, zoom etc.. quite similar to the navigation in an Office document in fact.. It would be great if FM could go to this standard. As an example, see ProRealTime (a free version exists). It would be more intuitive to use, and practical to navigate for sure.

Second on candles bars display (readability, display by weeks, months..). It's quite unusable currently in my opinion.

Mark wrote:I like the idea of automatically extending trendlines.

It's an option in all technical analysis / trading softwares. In ProRealTime, there are two objects : segments and lines. Segments are finite left and right, lines never end. In the propertie of the objects this can be customized. In FM, extension to the right at least would be useful.

Mark wrote:You can however adjust the color of trendlines. See "Options / Colors..."
You can edit a trendline with your mouse. Hover over either end until the cursor changes to a big X and then hold down the Ctrl + Shift keys on your keyboard, and you can drag that trendline endpoint.

I forgot these functionalities. Thanks for the help.
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Postby Mark » Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:02 pm

Hi Djobydjoba,

Thanks for the help/ideas. Hopefully we can make some good improvements in this area.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:59 pm

Hi Mark,

Djobydjoba wrote:there should be an option to expand automatically a line with new quotes, on the right of the screen.

I bring back this feedback particularly, it could avoid tedious adjustments of lines as time goes by.

Posts: 795
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