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Transaction markers not showing

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby Exspextations » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:44 am

Hi Mark,

I revamped a couple my portfolios at the beginning of the year, selling a number of funds and buying new funds, I also added a number of end of year dividends to some of the retained funds. However, none of the share price or value graphs are showing the symbols for the purchases or dividends for any of the new investment funds. The purchase date and date on which the dividends were added were all working days (i.e Mon - Fri).

I have searched the forum and while there are a few comments about transactions, nobody else appears to have the same problem. Have I done something that is preventing the symbols from displaying? I have attached a screen dump of for of the funds - all purchased on 15th January 2015.
Fm Share price charts.JPG
Chart showing 4 funds purchased on 2015-01-15, none of which display the purchase symbol.
Fm Share price charts.JPG (112.79 KiB) Viewed 5089 times
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Postby Mark » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:51 am

Hi Exspextations,

Did you maybe turn off the option to display markers? See "Options / Markers" from within a graph menu, and make sure there is a check mark next to all the marker types you want displayed.
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Postby Exspextations » Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:23 am

Hi Mark,

No all the markers are set to on. I have added another screen shot that shows three funds bought on Monday 26th January 2015 and a fourth that I have held for several years that had a dividend paid on 30th January. As you can see the dividend marks for the existing fund show, but none of the purchase markers show for the funds bought on 26th January 2015.

File showing markers for existing fund, but no markers for new funds
Capture.JPG (109.05 KiB) Viewed 5080 times
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Postby Mark » Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:29 am

Hi Exspextations,

I'm not sure. Are you certain you're plotting the investments in which you have the transactions recorded? Maybe you have multiple investments of the same security? If you right mouse click on one of those graphs, and choose "Edit All Data...", do you see the transactions in the Data Register? If this still doesn't resolve the issue, please create a backup using "File / Backup..." and email us that as an attachment. I can take a look, and try to provide a more specific answer.
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Postby Exspextations » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:29 am

Dear Mark,

When I right click on the charts in my previous post - I see the appropriate transaction - so I know the data is correct (see attached PDF). For security and confidentiality reasons I'm reluctant to send a backup of my portfolio, as I do not know what data will be transferred in the file. Is there an alternative way of addressing this?

PDF of transactions from charts in previous post
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Postby Exspextations » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:40 am

I've just tried one additional think. I selected a fund that I have held since 2010 in which the markers are displayed and deselected all markers in the Options / Markers menu. All the markers are switched off when I do this and switched on again once when I reselect all markers. However, nothing happens when I do this with the funds purchased since Q4 2014.
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Postby Mark » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:50 am

Hi Martin,

Understood, we can work around that. I would just experiment a bit then. I'm not sure what the problem is. The markers show up okay on some investments, but not these particular ones? Are you using the current version of Fund Manager (2014.13.6)? Some ideas:

1) Try resetting the colors. This would only be a possibility if you don't see the markers on any graphs.
2) If you put your cursor where the marker should be, does the information display in the status bar?
3) What if you add some new test transactions? Do they show up?
4) Is it only buy markers that don't show up?
5) Do you have closing prices recorded on the date of your transactions?
6) What if you toggle "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted"?
7) What if you create a new investment with a transaction, does that show up?
8) What if you increase the vertical scale, or allow it to auto-scale without "Graphs / Options / Display / Autoscale Y Axis Using Exact Min/Max" on?
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Postby Exspextations » Mon May 04, 2015 4:24 am


My apologies for the delay in getting back to you, but I have been out of circulation for a while. Thanks for your suggestions to which the responses are:

1. I presume that this is done by selecting default all under the Options/Colors menu - no change when I did this;
2. When I put the cursor on the date when a purchase is made that has no marker is shows the information for the purchase for the attached investment, but when I checked the other investments when no purchase symbol is shown then no transaction details pop up - I also checked that these investments have closing prices on the day of purchase - which they do;
3. I have one investment where a contribution is made monthly (see attached). While I add all transactions manually the same way each month for this investment, as you can see some months show the purchase symbol and others do not - as you can see the presence of the symbol is a bit hit and miss, with no real pattern. I have today added March and April 2015 transactions to the investment and the symbols show up for both months.
4. Don't know as I have not made any partial sales or had any dividends recently;
5.There are closing prices for each of the dates when a purchase is made, but no symbol is shown on the chart;
6. Switching the exchange rate adjustment has no effect;
7. Created a test fund and made a single investment - symbol shows up correctly;
8. Changing the vertical scale or allowing auto-scale has no effect on the number of symbols visible.

At a loss as to what is going on.
Chart.JPG (61.56 KiB) Viewed 5012 times
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Postby Mark » Mon May 04, 2015 9:13 am

Hi Exspextations,

I'm not sure what is going on. Why don't you give our office a call and we can do a web meeting, and take a look at this together. Hopefully I can spot the problem.
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Postby Exspextations » Wed May 06, 2015 3:27 am

I can do that if you give me details of the number to call and time as I am in the UK. As I don't have the US in my call package would it be possible to Skype rather than use my mobile - if so would you send me your Skype details by email?

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Postby Mark » Wed May 06, 2015 8:42 am

Hi Exspextations,

Yes, we can do Skype. Please see the email I just sent to you...
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