I am confused by the graph Cost value I see in my portfolio, and I need some advise .
Let me describe where I am lost:
I have one main portfolio for each bank, and inside it I have some sub portfolios , say one for stocks one for bonds, one for the bank account. Each investment transaction in every sub-portfolio moves automatically the bank account within the bank portfolio.
Now, one of these subportfolios had 6 investments (funds) that I bought the same day in 2011. I can switch between these funds telling the bank to do it, so overtime I moved amounts from (example) Us Stock fund to European Stock Fund within this same portfolio.
To account for above change , I was "selling" X shares of one investment to its price of the day ,and buy shares of another one , again Y shares at its price of the day. On the bank account , the 2 amounts are the same, no effect on the balance . Of course , no effect on the total investments value either.
However, if I run Graph Portfolio cost -value, the black line of the cost changes ( it increases ) . Every time I did switch some position, I saw no change in the original invested value on the Reports, but at the transaction date I saw the cost in the graph going up. On top, it doesn't go up by a number corresponding to the switch value , but a smaller one .
I wonder if the graph do calculate the difference between the original price of the shares and the price of the day I do the switch , I don't know.
As a conclusion, I never changed the original investment, and if I run a portfolio report between 2011 and today I see the original amount invested , but on the Graph I see the line going up and up, so that at the end it is quite close to the final value , while the latter is much more as the investments performed fairly well since 2011
Hope I explained myself somehow !
Any suggestion ??
Thanks !!