Dividends double-posting to cash account
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It looks like any transaction that results in a deposit to my default cash account is double-posting - one entry with no memo, and one with the tag "[Imported]". I know I resolved this issue on another account, but this is my wife's account and apparently I didn't set it up right. I have a vague recollection of needing to clear a checkbox ... somewhere ...
Hi f3red,
Is it only happening for the dividends? If so, maybe it is because you retrieved transactions and also retrieved dividend data from Yahoo (Historical) when you retrieved prices? In the Professional/Advisor versions, when you retrieve pricing using "Yahoo (Historical)" you can request it to retrieve splits and dividends. If you're also retrieving from your broker, you would not typically also want to retrieve this same data from Yahoo (Historical). Just un-check this option on the price retrieve dialog box if this is the case.
I have also confirmed that the difference computed in the "Reconcile" operation is precisely the sum of the aforementioned "[Imported]" transactions, so I assume
Hi f3red,
Maybe then your cash transactions are being retrieved/imported, so you don't need to use a default cash account? How are you getting transactions into Fund Manager? Retrieving from a broker, importing, manually entering? If you are retrieving/importing, and you see both halves of a transaction listed, then you don't need to use the default cash account feature. For example, if you buy a stock for $1,000 and you see both the buy of stock for $1,000 and a sell of cash listed for $1,000 on the same date, then you don't need to use the default cash account option, as your cash side of the transactions are already there. You would only use the default cash account option if you only see the $1,000 stock purchase listed. There are 2 ways you can not use the default cash account feature: 1) Under "Portfolio Properties..." set your sub-portfolio's default cash account to "(none)". 2) In the Preview Importing Transactions dialog, un-check the "Automatically Record Corresponding Default Cash Account Entry" option.
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