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Price in Portfolio Editor not showing current / latest?

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby Jim » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:43 am

Hi..I'm just trying out FundManager so plz bear with me if this is just something I haven't figured out how to do correctly yet..

I've entered a bunch of 2015 transactions in a Sub-Portfolio (My 401K) of a higher level Portfolio (Retirement), all of which are Mutual Fund entries.

I can see the individual funds listed in the pane to the right side of the Portfolio Editor (where it shows fund name, symbol, price, shares, etc) - but the price column is not showing the latest value that I've retrieved from the 'net. I even tried to manually update to both Friday's close price and that didn't work - so tried entering today (2/8) as the close price. No luck with either.

As an example - for PMEGX (T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap), the price should be 43.87 as of 2/6. Instead of showing 43.87, the Portfolio Editor window shows the price as 42.35 - which it was on 1/30, when my most recent transaction was entered.

It looks like the program is grabbing the last transaction amount vs the current price. What's weird is that this is only happening with SOME of the funds. Others are right.

Since the "Value" column is price * shares, the Portfolio Editor is showing the wrong value of my fund.

If anyone has any ideas what I might be doing wrong, I'd appreciate it - I've spent at least an hour trying to figure this out and am getting nowhere fast.

Thx -

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Postby Jim » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:46 am

PS: I'm using the latest version (just downloaded today, 2014.13.5) with quote module 477 and transaction module 199.
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Postby Jim » Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:54 am

I also just found another very weird example..

I have TRRHX (TRP 2025) as a fund..close price on Friday was $15.89. For some bizarre reason, the program is listing the price in the Portfolio Editor view as $41.89 (!!). BUT - if I graph the price of TRRHX, the price is right, and there's no point on the graph anywhere near $41.89 (prices all in the $15's).

Even more interesting - there are no transactions anywhere in my data for TRRHX that are anything other than $15.xx, so that'd contradict my earlier theory about it pulling the price that's being shown in the Portfolio view from transactional data.

I'm an IT guy by trade that's done some heavy app dev in my day, and this all looks very bizarre to me..I can't fathom why it's pulling the wrong prices in the Portfolio display unless it's just something I don't understand yet..
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Postby Jim » Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:21 pm

I figured it out..somehow there were prices entered for 2/8, and it was picking these up. (I went into the Data Register for each fund and viewed "Prices" and found them).

I deleted the 2/8 entries in the Data Register and all is good.
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Postby Mark » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:01 am

Hi Jim,

Glad you found the problem and fixed it. A couple points:

1) The Portfolio Editor always displays data as of the current computer's date, so yesterday that would have been the data as of 2/8.

2) If you record a transaction on a date where there is no recorded closing price, the closing price will be updated with the transaction price. I'm guessing that these 2/8 prices were recorded because you entered a transaction with that date. Once the price was recorded, it will stay there until it is updated/deleted manually or by an internet price retrieve. Since the price was for a weekend, it won't get updated by an internet price retrieve.
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