Something surprising here. Or maybe I'm doing something to confuse FM.
Retrieving prices from multiple servers does not provide the deepest price history - because if the last retrieve done (using same date criteria) has less data than an earlier retrieval from a different site, FM apparently loses any data from the earlier site not provided by the latest site.
Very strange. I had assumed that bouncing down the server options and trying each one with the same wide date span would simply add in any additional data found - not drop data already downloaded previously if the newest server didn't itself provide it.
I base this on the Graph/SharePrice display. I download with a date span of 1/1/2001 to present, applying this span to any servers I try. This is how I found that WallStreetHIstory provides better history than Yahoo or Morningstar - because after trying Yahoo I found my graph started at 2015 instead of starting at 2012 like it had moment ago. Again retrieving from WallStreetHistory, my graph again shows data from 2012.