I have set up a "test" portfolio of mutual funds with hypothetical purchases of $10K on a given date (slightly more than 5 yrs ago) in order to be able to compare the performance of funds in my portfolio. I am using the YAHOO-HISTORICAL server to retrieve price data, with the buttons enabled for automatic reinvestment of dividends and splits.
What I notice in examining the data retrieved is that LT and ST Capital Gains are not retrieved. Also, recent dividends later than November, 2007 are not being retrieved.
As an example, Fidelity Diversified Int'l (FDIVX) shows the last dividend retrieval as 12/08/2006, whereas there was an actual dividend issued in 12/07/2007. Also, on that same date of 12/07/2007, FDIVX made a LT Capital Gain distribution that is not reflected in my retrieved data.
Any suggestions on how to retrieve ALL Mutual Fund distributions automatically would be greatly appreciated. Without this ability, I cannot really compare funds to one another.
Thank you,