I have an investment in a Vanguard mutual fund and also a Vanguard IRA account that contains several other Vanguard mutual funds. The Vanguard account number is the same for the taxable account and the IRA account except each investment has a different prefix denoting the Vanguard Fund. I transferred my records from Quicken (where I had each mutual fund in a separate account, i.e. 3 accounts for the 3 mutual funds in the Vanguard IRA). The Vanguard website lists the 2 accounts and shows the IRA containing the 3 mutual funds.
After transferring the records from Quicken I tried to update transactions from Vanguard. The import screen for the taxable account has all of the transaction history for the IRA account and vice versa. I can't figure out how to tell FM or Vanguard to reverse the situation. I tried to rename the sub-portfolios in FM to match exactly the Vanguard portfolios, tried to use names that made the portfolios in FM be in the same order as they appear on the Vanguard website, etc. Nothing seems to work.
I am using a hierarchy of "Vanguard Accounts" with no investments, and sub-portfolios of "IRA-Rollover" and "Municipal Bonds" which contain 3 mutual fund investments in the IRA Rollover and the Vanguard muni bond fund and muni money market fund in the "Municipal Bonds" sub-portfolio.