Since I have upgraded to v10.7 I have had problems
retrieving prices.
I used to have no problem with Yahoo but now it
just won't retrieve, I have to use Spain or UK.
Historical Yahoo works fine.
I have gone to the Yahoo site and performed a manual
retrieve of ^DJI ^RUT ^SPX and they are fine, but it will not retrieve
when I use FundManager.
Here are the versions:
Currently using Quote Module version 420, latest available is 420.
Currently using Transaction Retrieve Module version 138, latest available is 138.
Last updated December 15, 2010:
The latest version of Fund Manager is 10.8.
Quote Module: 420
Transaction Module: 138
I have created a new file for ^DJI in a different portfolio
and use historical Yahoo to retrieve up to 12/15/2010.
When I try to retrieve 12/16/2010 it fails.