I'm having a rather peculiar problem retrieivng bond prices from FINRA.
A while ago, I tried to retrieve pricing on various treasury issues, and the update failed.
After waiting a while, I tried again, and the update succeeded. The problem, though, is that the update also updated the record for yesterday's price with today's price, so yesterday's price is now lost.
I sometimes run daily P&L reports (in Excel, using a report export) and when this happens, my reports show no net move in the value of the position, though the current value is correct.
The problem has, I think, also shown up in different scenarios, though it seems like most of the scenarios in which it has occurred involved failed update attempts, or attempts where I download portfolio transactions (and information) from Fidelity 1st, and then update the pricing via FINRA 2nd.
Also, if it's of any help, it "seems" like the problem is relatively new. I've been using Fund Manager for, oh, 6 months, and though I can't be 100% sure, it seems like the problem has been more in the recent past rather than the distant past.