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Internet price retieve problem after 12x upgrade

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby zagmeyer » Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:43 am

I tried to retrieve internet prices today and noticed that you shut down support for my version (10.x) so I downloaded the 12.x evaluation version and upgraded to 12.x. The internet price retrieve is not working in 12x although the "no longer supported" error message has gone away and the server check states I am running the latest code (see below).

I am not sure if it is a setting that needs to be changed in 12x or if this is just a coincidence and really a problem with the Bloomberg server (I tried MSN with same result). My last successful price update via Bloomberg on version 10x was 4/10/12. All of the investments properties in the PE application list the <default server> and their symbols are intact and the same that I had been using on 10x and the request dates sent to the Bloomberg server was set at 4/12/13-4/13/13 (which would normally return 4/12 data on version 10x).

I noticed that after the upgrade the application had started using the Bloomberg Historical rather than Bloomberg Quote server when I used the Internet price retrieve icon in the tool bar. I went into one of the investments properties and changed the Quote server back to Bloomberg and now the icon has switched to the correct setting of Bloomberg (I then changed the modified investment back to <default server>. Not sure if this means anything but it seemed odd.

The price retrieve pop up screen is now showing an update to 4 of 8 investments and I can only see an update on 1 of them dated 4/11.

I am guessing this is a Bloomberg issue but please let me know if there is anything else I need to do on my end. Thanks

Currently using Quote Module version 442, latest available is 442.

Currently using Transaction Retrieve Module version 177, latest available is 177.


Last updated March 28, 2013:

The latest version of Fund Manager is 12.1.
Quote Module: 442
Transaction Module: 177
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:57 am

Postby Mark » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:24 am

Hi zagmeyer,

First, a note on support for the quote and transaction modules... We provide support for maintaining these modules for the last 2 major versions. So, currently this means the 11.x and 12.x versions are receiving updates. We do not do anything to disable or stop the old versions from working, we just simply stop making new updates available.

I just checked the Bloomberg server, and it appears to be updating properly. To set your default servers, use "Options / Internet Settings...". So, if you want to use "Bloomberg", set that as your "Default Quote Server". Then, when you press the "PRC" button on the toolbar, prices will be retrieved from Bloomberg, unless you have overridden this on a per-investment basis under "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve".

There is also a "HST" button on the toolbar, which will use whatever server you specify for "Default Historical Quote Server".

How are you verifying what prices are updated? Check in the Data Register under the "Prices" data type. If you're still not able to get updated pricing, please let me know a sample ticker symbol and what quote server you're attempting to retrieve from.
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Postby zagmeyer » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:20 am

Thanks, it seems to be working today, must have been something going on with the bloomberg server as I did not change anything.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:57 am

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