Hi Mark,
I am entering dividend reinvestment transactions for my investments and I am experiencing an issue with the Value not reflecting the actual Value received for a dividend (I also have the same issue with the Shares reflected on a purchase transaction).
When entering a transaction, I first input (in this case) the value of the dividend and then the shares credited to me by my broker. Please see the attached for an example:
- the dividend amount was $48.21, and I entered this amount in the Value field
- the shares amount was 3.869, and I entered this in the Shares field
- I then tabbed over and the Price field was generated automatically
As you can see from the attached, when I click in the Value field, the value returned is $48.209999. I was under the impression that the Price field would be the only field that would be adjusted such that the Value and Shares reflect your broker's statement.
As mentioned previously, I also had the same issue with the Shares reflected on a purchase transaction not equaling the actual Shares purchased. I followed the same recommendation to enter the Value and Shares and then let FM compute the Price. I "solved" this issue by "selling" .000006 shares to reconcile the records.