Hi Mark
I have a strange problem with one security. It is a money market-like investment. I.E. you buy and sell "shares" in dollar amounts with a constant price of $1. And you get dividends monthly. Normally the Cost Basis and the Current Value should be identical. However, I have discovered that this investment is occasionally decrementing the Cost Basis while the Current Value reflects the actual dollar amounts used. The decrements are very small like 9 cents on an investment of $20,000. Not a significant amount but enough that my Cost Basis in FM doesn't match my broker statement.
Unfortunately I no longer have an account with this broker so I can't ask them to correct the Cost Basis. Also there is no indication in the broker reports to justify this Cost Basis value change.
So I am left with having to jig the Cost basis by a small amount whenever this occurs.
I have made a few attempts using Transfers but they always change both amounts.
Any suggestions?
Cheers - Lloyd