Hi Mark,
One of the stock positions I track (VOD) is refusing to adjust historical prices after I entered a split. So the share-price graph shows a huge price drop on the date of the split, with all prices afterwards displaying correctly but all prior ones incorrect.
The stock was purchased in 1995. Originally it was purchased in 3 separate accounts (all 3 lots purchased on same date), but in 2010 the assets of all 3 accounts were combined into one. So in 2010 there is a "transfer out" listed in each of the first two Fund Manager investment files, and a corresponding transfer into the third file.
VOD has split 3 times: in 1999, 2006 and 2014.
I've taken the following troubleshooting steps:
- added all 3 splits in all 3 FM investment files (the files in each of the first two accounts are still open, with zero value)
- deleted and re-retrieved all historical prices in all 3 investment files
Still no luck. I've double-checked the historical prices on Yahoo for dates before and after the latest split, and I think they are only incorrect by the ratio of the latest split, although it's hard to tell.
Can you help?