by taillje » Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:12 am
Thanks for Mark, your hint helped but as usual things are not that simple. In any case, I solved my case and would like to post my solution if it can help others.
1. First, I had to set up my international settings in line with my country. Sounds obvious but living outside NA may affect the output of the file you download.
2. Extracted file is downloaded as an excel.
3. Save the file as CSV and you must save as... answer YES and when closing answer yes yes (2times)
4. Finally the input lines are like the one below;
2313;Sampo Compass Equity Fund G;FI0008803283;EUR;8.5.2000;1.0;10
for a corresponding format string;
Note: Because the Symbols names are very long, I would not see the whole name in the graph especially when plotting 10 or so funds, so I rather specify a shorter name in the import box.
thanks Mark for your help.