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Strange results pulling transactions

Questions about updating prices or transactions in Fund Manager

Postby tommydom » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:05 am

I normally check for new transactions each day for all accounts, and I always have been using overlapping dates for the downloads. For example, today's transaction pull I used 5/28/2024 through today (6/6/2024). I didn't notice what was showing up over the last few days (stupid of me), but I am receiving the same exact set of transactions in duplicate. This week, every morning, the list of transactions came through again. I ran an Investment Transaction report from 5/28/2024 - 6/4/2024 and see that I have 4 of each transaction for that time frame. When I ran the Retrieve Transaction process again today (after my initial run earlier) I received no duplicates - my list was empty. I have a feeling that if I run the Retrieve Transactions process tomorrow, I will be getting a 5th set of results - all duplicates.

So the criteria are:
1) overlap dates to ensure I get executed transactions that are recorded on later dates;
2) set to "checked" Skip Transactions Already in Fund Manager
3) set to "checked" Create New Investment(s) as Needed

I seems that the first one of the day gets all the duplicates, but the second on correctly gets nothing.

Would you take a look to see if this can get corrected on the Retrieve Transactions process?

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Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:23 am

Postby Mark » Thu Jun 06, 2024 11:12 am

Hi Tommy,

As long as you have the "Skip Transactions Already in Fund Manager Investment" turned on, you shouldn't see any "duplicates". If anything about the transaction recorded in Fund Manager is different than the incoming one, then it will show up again in the Preview list during import. This can happen if you've edited the transaction after import in any way. If you retrieve again, and see what you believe is a duplicate, right mouse click on that transaction in the Preview screen and choose "Edit All Data..." to open up the Data Register for that investment, so you can compare what you already have recorded to what is incoming. If it is showing up in the Preview Importing Transactions list while you have the "Skip..." option on, something about the incoming transaction is different than what you have recorded already. You can also click on "Transaction Details..." so you can see both set of details (existing/incoming) at the same time. If you still see "duplicates", please email me a screen shot of both the existing/incoming transaction details.
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Postby tommydom » Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:50 am


I must have messed up and not had the check mark in place for skipping transactions already recorded, because today it did not happen. I will keep an eye on things and repost here if I run into a problem with duplicates.

Thanks for getting back to me!

Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:23 am

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