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FM9b2 - Can it handle currency x between cash accounts?

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Postby k_kirk » Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:10 am


In FM8 whenever I sold or bought a currency against my base currency it handled the two sides of the transaction using default rate and all I needed to do was to go and adjust for actual rate. If I sold or bought a non-base currency against another non-base currency then I would need to manually capture both sides of the transaction.

Can you kindly comment on whether or not this behavior has changed or been improved in FM9?

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Postby Mark » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:25 pm

Hi Kerem,

I believe you are talking about an automatic entry into a corresponding default cash account? The amount of the automatic entry should always be adjusted to the correct value, based on your recorded exchange rates at the time you enter the transaction. For example:

Assume you have 2 currencies, 'A' and 'B', where 2A = 1B. (A single B is worth two A's).
Let's say your cash account is in currency B, and you have a stock in currency A.
When you record a buy of A 100 in the stock, the corresponding entry will be a sell of B 50 in the cash account.

Is it not working this way for you, or did you want it to do something else?
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Postby k_kirk » Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:31 pm

Hi Mark,

Sorry for not being clearer. Yes the scenario you describe works well. I have different sub-portfolios in various currencies. Each sub-portfolio has a corresponding base currency and a cash account in that currency and all my buy/sell transactions are working well.

My question is when I sell one currency (cash) to buy another currency (cash) or vice versa. If one leg of these transaction is in my overall default currency then the transaction is recorded automatically. If both sides are non-base currencies then I have to create two sides manually. My question was whether anything changed in this area but I think the answer is no. It could be a future feature consideration. Not a major issue for now. Thanks

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Postby Mark » Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:34 am

Hi Kerem,

You're right, nothing in this area has changed... Thanks for the feedback.
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