Hi Mark
I've searched but I don't think this is presently available in FM.
This would need the portfolio specified on the command line, also.
Being able to start right in with the latest broker transactions available w/out taking the manual steps each time to specifically dl them would be a good convenience, for my usage anyway. If I open FM I mostly want to check, and work with, the latest status.
A timer like for the price dl's would probably also be nice.
An option to display/not-display the preview list dialog of new transactions might be good. It's great to get a heads up about latest actions. But in some cases, a straight-through process which just automatically applies all new transactions might serve better for users who pretty much head straight for reports to start the day's work.
Getting fancy... <g> A helper app or option to apply this to multiple accounts/portfolios might be helpful to guys handling a lot of accounts. Historical logs would probably be important, too.