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Idea: Reports on Web portal or "Smart" Subportfolios

Comments, critical feedback, praise, or suggestions for new features.

Postby DukeWeston » Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:34 pm

Like some other users on this board I create pseudo top-level portfolios containing linked subportfolios for consolidating by some attribute. This is feasible with an attribute such as Tax Free / Taxable which usually applies to all investments in a low-level sub-portfolio, and thus the sub-portfolio can be the target of a link.

I realize that I could probably produce a report with these groupings but I can't see the report on my web portal, like I can see my pseudo-portfolios. So that would be a nice feature.

Alternatively, if the web portal can never show reports, only portfolios, then it would be good if the pseudo portfolios could be enhanced with some smarts to make them dynamic.

For example I want to create pseudo subportfolios based on attributes like Investment Goal. I have investments with differing Inv Goals residing in the same subportfolio, e.g my brokerage acct. In order to apportion these to different link targets I have to create another level of children below, assigning the investments by their goal. Only then I can then use these children as link targets in my Inv Goal groupings. This is unwieldy, and not extensible for an additional attribute.

So, one suggestion would be to offer "smart" sub-portfolios, whose contents are defined dynamically from existing investments. To select and group the investments the user would choose a parent subportfolio (which could be All Accounts, or something below) and an attribute (Asset Type / Inv Goal etc). From this choice FM would create the smart sub-portfolios and fill them with the relevant investments.

Obviously these are complex developments, but I figured I should at least float the idea.
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Postby Mark » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:58 pm

Hi DukeWeston,

Very interesting idea... I can see that being useful.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:43 am


I think it's a great idea, I would love to have the possibility to optionally apply an investment filtering on the content of a linked sub-portfolio.

Maybe that could be the same filtering options/dialog than for the reports:

Report Filter.png
Report Filter.png (5.93 KiB) Viewed 1432 times

Adding to that:
- the ability to filter by the value of a custom property
- the ability to rename linked sub-portfolios
would be awesome!

That would open many new possibilities and a lot of flexibility. More flexibility and convenience are needed to create custom sub-portfolios from existing, to try/test new allocations and to create custom lists of investments quickly / easily / dynamically.

Really excited by that perspective. Thanks for considering, Mark.

PS: this feature would allow to address too requests similar to this one: the linked sub-portfolio, filtered by the desired investment type, could be plotted in the Risk/Reward Scatter graph.
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Postby Mark » Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:38 am

Okay, thanks for the feedback/ideas.
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