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TA graph: Share Price Display auto switch

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Postby Djobydjoba » Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:40 am

Hi Mark,

In TA graph, when you have selected "Candlestick" in Share Price Display and you scroll through the investments, the investments without OHL (Open-High-Low) data, like mutual funds or calculated/blended investments, will not be displayed, but a 0 value flat line instead.

This is really not handy, you can't really scroll through all the investments in the TA graph, or you have to change very often manually between "Candlestick" or "Close" in the TA graph options.

FM should detect itself when the investments have no OHL data but only close prices, and automatically switch to close price display when candlesticks cannot be displayed correctly.

No OHL data means either O = H = L = 0 (equal zero value), or O = H = L = C (equal close price). The second situation is very frequent when downloading close price from quote servers:

20241130-sam.15h54-01.png (5.05 KiB) Viewed 306 times

Trickier part: how to handle the situation where an investment has a mix of OHLC prices and close prices? Because it can occurs that the quote servers have only close prices to offer for some periods of time (e.g. the older ones), but OHLC prices are available for some other date ranges. So this is a mixed situation where FM will have to choose the best display.

> Maybe could we think of an hybrid mode where FM is able to display both candlesticks and close prices on the same graph, depending of available price data for different date ranges?

This can occur too: an investment that have 99% of close prices only, but 1% of HLC data, that can be considered as data errors. FM should probably detect here that the vast majority of prices are close only and should choose the close price display then.

In short, we could imagine different levels of smartness for this auto-switch mode, and maybe controlled by some settings the user could choose from (advanced registry settings?). If needed I can try to dig a bit deeper into this idea.

PS: I didn't mentioned the Heikin-Ashi because I don't use it, but I guess this display is concerned too.
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Postby Mark » Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:43 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Thanks for the ideas/feedback. That would be a nice option.
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