Hi Mark,
In France we use the comma as the decimal separator (and in fact we don't use the period to separate group of thousands). See: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19455-01/80 ... index.html).
In the General Preferences of Fund Manager I've selected the "1.000,00" number format.
On the numeric keypad of the French keyboard (and most European keyboards) we have the dot (del) key, as on the US Keyboard.
Windows as no global option to make behave this dot key of the numeric keypad like a comma. (third party tools exist though)
In fact the behavior depends on the program. For example:
- in Calc.exe, or Excel, the dot key is changed to comma by the program (because of the regional settings of Windows)
- in Word it remains a dot by default (but in OpenOffice a comma)
Not only in France but more broadly in Europe the dot or comma behavior of numeric keypad is a recurrent topic (if you google it)
With the "1.000,00" number format, the data entry efficiency in Fund Manager is penalized. An option to make the period key as a comma key would be useful (or to take into account the regional settings of Windows to make the decision).
Just to illustrate the topic:
https://knowledgebase.progress.com/arti ... ic-Key-Pad